What to Expect

Thank you for your interest in Calvary Community Church. We would love to see you on Sunday! Below you’ll find answers to some questions you likely have as a first time visitor.

When are Sunday services?

  • 9:00 AM Sunday School (Adult, Teen, Children)
  • 10:30 AM Worship Service
  • Childcare is offered for children 3 and under during the main service.

What’s the church’s address?


Our address is: 5 Franklin Street, East Millstone, NJ, 08875-2117.

Some GPS’s find us better with: 5 Franklin Street, Somerset, NJ, 08875.

We are centrally located to serve Somerset, Mercer, Middlesex, and Hunterdon counties.

What do you do in the worship service?


Our worship service is built around the teaching of the Word of God and usually follows this structure:

  1. Welcome and Announcements: A welcome to the congregation and a quick rundown of upcoming events at our church.
  2. Scripture Reading: We listen to a passage of Scripture read aloud. Each week’s reading is related to the sermon.
  3. Private Confession: We pause for a short time of personal prayer and confession as we get our hearts ready to worship God.
  4. Pastoral Prayer of Preparation: The pastor leads us in a prayer of praise, thanksgiving, and petition.
  5. Worship through Song: Led by our praise band, we sing hymns/contemporary worship songs that are God-honoring and gospel affirming.
  6. The Preaching of God’s Word: This is the most important part of our worship service. Our pastor preaches and explains the Word of God to us.
  7. Closing Song: We finish the service by standing and singing a song in response to what we have heard from the Word.

In addition to the above, we celebrate the memorial of the Lord’s Supper together on the first Sunday of each month. Then, following the service, we eat lunch together in what we call Church Fellowship. While the Lord’s Supper is only for believers, we would definitely love for you as our guest to join us in our meal afterward so that we can get to know you better!

We also have Family Fellowship on the second and third Sundays of the month when the congregation purposefully sets time aside after the service to fellowship with each other. Whether in inviting others over for lunch or in participating in some activity together, this time is meant to develop relationships, enable ministry, and foster compassion among the brethren.

What should I wear?


Wear whatever you like! We only ask that your clothes be modest and that you keep in mind that you’re coming to worship God together with His people. We have some members who come in suits and ties and others who come in jeans and T-shirts. Both are welcome!

Where should I park?


Most of our people park along both sides of Franklin Street in front of the church. Our church also has a small gravel parking lot on its left side and a few spaces behind the church. For attendees with disabilities, we have three marked parking spaces on the right side of the church near our ramp and side entrance.

What kind of music do you sing?


We love to sing songs that are rich with Biblical truth, whether they be hymns or more contemporary worship songs. We believe that the human voice is the primary worship instrument but also see the biblical place for other instruments to complement the voice (for an example, see Psalm 33:2). Therefore, we are happy to use modern instruments, such as guitar, piano, violin, and percussion, to assist us as we sing.

As a visitor, am I expected to give to the offering?


Not at all! As our guests, please just enjoy the fellowship, service, and ministry of the Word.

What can you provide for my kids?


We have a fantastic Children’s Sunday School (for kids age four to those in sixth grade) and Teen Sunday School (for seventh through twelfth grade) that meets during the Sunday school hour at 9 AM on Sunday mornings. We also provide nursery care for both newborns and toddlers during the Worship Service.

Is your church wheelchair accessible?


Absolutely. On the right side of the church are handicap-marked parking spots. Nearby is the ramp for our church’s side entrance.

What kind of fellowship opportunities does your church provide beyond Sunday morning?


Not only do we have Church Fellowship once a month immediately after church (where we talk and eat lunch together), but we also have ministries that meet on Tuesday nights, men’s and women’s small groups, and various other ministries that provide rich discipleship and fellowship. Check out our ministry page to find out more!