Filtered: Sermons and Sunday Schools

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Do Homage to the Son

In this Christmas sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines Psalm 2 and King David’s exhortation there to do homage to God’s Son. King David gives three reasons why: 1. The World Rebels against God’s Good Messiah (vv. 1-3) 2. The Father Easily Confounds Man’s Rebellious Plans (vv. 4-6) 3. The Son Testifies He Will Rule All…

Fundamentals of the Faith

Lesson 24: God’s Will and Guidance

In this final lesson of our Fundamentals of the Faith series, Pastor Dave Capoccia considers the topic of understanding God’s will for our lives and receiving His guidance. Pastor Dave answers three key questions in relation to this topic: 1. What do we mean by “God’s will”? 2. How should we respond to the different…

Giving Testimony for Christ

In this special baptism service sermon, Pastor Joe Babij looks at Paul’s testimony before Agrippa in Acts 26:1-32. Pastor Babij identifies three key parts of any person’s salvation testimony by looking at Paul’s model: what a person was like before conversion, what happened to a person in conversion, and how a person became different after…


The Imperatives for a Transformed Lifestyle, Part 2

In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines Colossians 4:5-6 and explains more of how a truly Word-filled and Spirit-filled person is transformed to walk in greater Christlikeness. 1. Gospel transformation changes what we are devoted to (v. 2-4) 2. Gospel transformation changes the way we think and act (v. 5) 3. Gospel transformation changes the…

gospel of John

Jesus Exposes Religious Unbelief

In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines Jesus’ concluding words in John 5:41-47 to religious people who will not believe in him despite supernatural testimony. Jesus exposes two fundamental realities of such religious unbelief to convict you of your own self-righteous way and to move you to believe in Jesus. 1. You Seek Men’s Approval…

gospel of John

The Greatest Testimony of Jesus’ Divine Sonship

In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines Jesus’ words in John 5:30-40 regarding the ultimate testimony validating Jesus’ declaration of divine sonship: the testimony of God the Father. John the apostle presents the Father’s testimony of Jesus’ divine sonship so that you will not trust vainly in mere religion but believe in Jesus and be…


The Imperatives for a Transformed Lifestyle, Part 1

In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines Colossians 4:2-4 and the apostle Paul’s exhortation there as to how all Spirit-filled, Word-filled Christians must devote themselves to thanksgiving and prayer, praying especially for the faithful going forth of the saving gospel message of Christ.