Filtered: Sermons and Sunday Schools

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Fundamentals of the Faith

Lesson 11: Salvation, Part 1

In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia begins going over the fundamental truths of salvation according to the Bible. In part 1, Pastor Dave considers what role God has in salvation and examines the following topics: 1. Man’s Condition 2. Salvation’s Connected Process 3. God’s Foreknowledge 4. God’s Reason for Saving 5. God’s Sovereignty vs. Man’s…

gospel of John

For God So Loved the World

In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia finishes examining John 3:1-21, which is Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus as recorded by the apostle John. In this passage, John reveals four astonishing truths that should cause you to give up your own ideas about salvation and instead believe in Jesus. In verses 16-2, John reveals the final two…

Fundamentals of the Faith

Lesson 10: The Work of Jesus Christ, Part 2

In this lesson, Mark Twombly finishes overviewing the work of Jesus Christ. Specifically, Mark looks at the motive for Christ’s salvation work as well as the resolution and continuation of Christ’s work. Mark concludes the overview by discussing reflections and personal application.

gospel of John

Believe the One Descended from Heaven

In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia continues examining John 3:1-21, which is Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus as recorded by the apostle John. In this passage, John reveals four astonishing truths that should cause you to give up your own ideas about salvation and instead believe in Jesus. In verses 9-15, John reveals the second of…

Fundamentals of the Faith

Lesson 9: The Work of Jesus Christ, Part 1

In this lesson, Mark Twombly begins overviewing the work of Jesus Christ. Specifically, Mark first looks at how Christ’s person corresponds to Christ’s work and then Mark considers man’s need for Christ’s work, the cost of Christ’s work, and the provision of Christ’s work.

gospel of John

You Must Be Begotten from Above

In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia begins examining Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus in John 3:1-21. Through this conversation, the apostle John reveals four astonishing truths that should cause you to give up your own ideas about salvation and instead believe in Jesus. Pastor Dave explains the first astonishing truth of John 3:1-8 as 1. Only…


Paganism versus Christ

In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines Colossians 2:20-23 and the warning the apostle Paul presents there against being lured away into false religion—even false Christianity. Paul gives three reasons to resist false religion: 1. Because their false religious practices are transitory (v. 22) 2. Because their false religious practices are merely human (v. 23a)…