As many might have noticed, the church has recently adopted a new bulletin design. It’s something that we’ve wanted to do for awhile now, since the old format has been static for many years now. It’s also a celebration of the name change we are doing to Calvary Community Church.

The basic idea and goal of the redesign was to convey information more efficiently and more beautifully/professionally while ultimately saving paper. This new bulletin format will have a “special announcements” section in the back. Many of the things we are currently using bulletin inserts for will be in this section, more concisely and sometimes with a nice icon.

We believe this will be more modern and streamlined while also saving on paper. Special handouts can still be made for truly special occasions, but for the most part the world has moved on from clip-art based bulletin inserts, and we think that we can put them behind us while conveying their information in a more consumable format.
We are especially thankful that God has provided Sherrian to work on this project!