As a church, we will be participating in Operation Christmas Child (OCC) again this year. We will be collecting boxes on Sundays at the OCC table next to the Book Nook in the sanctuary. There are free OCC shoe boxes there for you to pick up as well.
We will be having a Packing Party in the Fellowship Hall on 11/17 to pack a large number of boxes – please come with (or without) supplies to help out!
The last day to bring in your packed shoe boxes is Sunday, Nov. 19th.
Here are some guidelines and suggestions for packing a shoebox:
-Attach the appropriate boy/girl label and check an age range for the child receiving the shoe box. Visit the OCC table at church if you need labels to attach to the boxes.
-Include a WOW quality toy – doll, soccer ball with pump (very very popular and well received!!), stuffed animals, shoes.
-Fill the box with gifts. Do not include anything liquid or delicate. Also no camouflage items, toothpaste, or candy please.
-You can include a personal note or photo. We will be taking polaroid photos at the Packing Party to put in the boxes.
-Include $9 donation for shipping costs. You can also pay for the shipping online.
-Place rubber band around the box.
–Pray for the child who will receive your gift and hear the gospel of Jesus Christ!
-Drop off your box/boxes at church on Sunday or at the Party Party.
For more ideas of great items to pack into the shoe boxes, see some suggestions here:
The Best Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Ideas for All Ages
Time to start packing away!