Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools from 2 Peter: (Page 3)

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Remembering Who Is Coming, Part 1

In this sermon, Pastor Babij teaches from 2 Peter on how believers can grow in the assurance of their salvation: by diligently performing good works, praying, and studying the Scripture. Pastor also reminds believers of Jesus’ imminent return and of how the knowledge of Jesus’ soon coming ought to inflame believers’ passion for their Lord.…

The Believer’s Responsibility for Godly Living, Part 8

In this sermon, Pastor Babij preaches on how a Christian becomes fruitful unto the Lord in applying the seven qualities taught in 2 Peter 1:5-11. Pastor details both positive results when believers apply these principles and several negative results when believers disobey. On the basis of the passage, Pastor Babij also exhorts Christians to make…

The Believer’s Responsibility for Godly Living, Part 7

In this sermon, Pastor Babij teaches from 2 Peter on how a true Christian is controlled by God’s Word and desires to do God’s will. Pastor Babij therefore calls on Christians to practice visible love for others, especially their brethren. Pastor concludes by exhorting Christians to examine honestly their walks before God. Full Transcript: This…

The Believer’s Responsibility for Godly Living, Part 5

In this sermon, Pastor Babij, preaches from 2 Peter 1:6 regarding perseverance and how the practice of perseverance leads to godliness. Pastor Babij reminds Christians that life is full of trial and trouble; Christians must always be willing to persevere and even be thought of as fools for Christ.

The Believer’s Responsibility for Godly Living, Part 4

In this sermon, Pastor Babij preaches from 2 Peter 1:6 regarding the Christian’s responsibility to practice self-control, to master one’s passions and emotions and not be ruled by them. Pastor Babij teaches that, when Christians run from temptation, God will rescue them. Full Transcript We are continuing to look at the believer’s responsibility for Godly…

The Believer’s Responsibility for Godly Living, Part 3

In this sermon, Pastor Babij continues in 2 Peter 1:5 elaborating on the second foundational quality of holy living to develop: knowledge. Christians are not to check their minds at the door but use the intellect God has given them to grow in righteous zeal for Him.

The Believer’s Responsibility for Godly Living, Part 2

In this sermon, Pastor Babij continues in 2 Peter 1:5 by focusing on the development of moral excellence, the first of two foundational qualities Christians need for holy living. Pastor Babij explains that Christians can only obtain this high state of mind through constant practice.     Full Transcript Okay let’s take our Bibles and…

The Believer’s Responsibility for Godly Living, Part 1

In this sermon, Pastor Babij teaches from 2 Peter 1:5 the Christian’s responsibility to live godly and to cultivate the means of grace provided by God. Pastor details three elements of necessary spiritual discipline: 1. Examining yourself 2. Crucifying the old self 3. Practicing the new ways Pastor Babij concludes with an admonishment to Christians…

The Divine Basis for Godly Living

In this sermon, Pastor Babij discusses the divine basis for Godly living taken from 2 Peter 1:1-4. Pastor Babij teaches two fundamental objectives for the Christian: 1. To know God 2. To become like Him Pastor Babij also details several privileges and benefits Christians receive from knowing and becoming like God. Full Transcript: Okay this…

Introductory Matters for Second Peter

In this sermon, Pastor Babij overviews the letter of 2 Peter. Pastor Babij explains the controversy over the letter’s authorship and also introduces the letter’s main purposes: 1)    Reminding Christians of vital teaching concerning the person and work of Jesus Christ 2)    Combating the rise of false teaching in the church at large 3)    Giving details concerning…