Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 3 Lesson 29
Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 3 Lesson 29
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 3 Lesson 28 This week in Sunday school, we’re considering the Ice Age. The Bible never specifically addresses any ice age, but there is evidence of a past ice age all over our world today. How does the Ice Age connect with what the Bible reveals about Noah’s flood?…
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 3 Lesson 28 This week, in our continued study of the great flood, we’re focusing on Noah’s ark itself. The Bible gives some description of the size and specifications of the ark, but is the ark believable? How would such a vessel have been able to handle the tumultuous…
Answers Bible Curriculum Unit 3 Lesson 26 This week in Sunday school, we consider whether the account of Genesis 6-9 can be fairly interpreted as describing a local flood. Why do many Christians accept or are open to accepting a local flood explanation? What details of the biblical text, beyond the descriptors of total destruction,…
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 3 Lesson 25 In this lesson, we examine the entire Genesis flood account for details about the timing of the flood events themselves and about the specific people and creatures which perished in the flood. Did the flood finish in forty days and forty nights? Is the Bible ambiguous…
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 3 Lesson 24 This week in Sunday school, we begin talking about the next of our Seven Cs of History: the flood Catastrophe. Why did God send the flood? What does it mean that God regretted making man? Why did God spare Noah? And how does Noah’s situation parallel…
Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 3 Lesson 22 This week in Sunday school, we examine more of the aftermath of the Fall, this time looking at what happened to Adam and Eve’s first children. Why was Cain’s sacrifice rejected and Abel’s accepted? How does Cain’s murderous response to Abel and callous response to God…
Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 2 Lesson 18 This week in Sunday school, we consider what Genesis 1 has to say about man acting as a ruler and steward of God’s creation. What should be our role, as Christians, in preserving and using the earth and its resources? What biblical principles should guide us…
Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 2 Lesson 17 This week in Sunday school, as part of our study on creation, we consider the issue of the age of the earth head on. Is denying evolution but asserting an old earth a viable option for Bible-believing Christians? Can the Genesis 5 and 11 genealogies be…