Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools from Hebrews: (Page 5)

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The Let-Us Bowl of Scripture: Hold Fast Together

Full Transcript: We will be continuing with Hebrews 10, a great book of the Word of God in the Bible. The title of my message is Holding Fast Together. We have just moved through a large doctrinal section, and now we come to this practical outworking of doctrine, which is called the Lettuce Bowl of…

The Let-Us Bowl of Scripture: Draw Near

Full Transcript: This morning let’s take our bible and turn our bibles to Hebrews 10. Last week I looked at where the scripture tells us to enter in. This morning I’m going to look at drawing near. Entering into God’s presence, now drawing near to God’s presence. Remember I had moved from a large doctrinal…

The Let-Us Bowl of Scripture: Enter In

Full Transcript: The title of my message is The Lettuce Bowl of Scripture. The reason being that in Hebrews 10:22-24, each verse begins with “Let us,” and that’s the “lettuce” part. Also, it indicates a shift in this section of Hebrews. In other words, I completed moving through a large doctrinal section of Hebrews. Not…

The Finality of Christ’s Sacrifice

Full Transcript: We are going to read into Hebrews 10, but before, let’s have a word of prayer: Lord, thank You for another opportunity and privilege to study about You. Even in these last verses, the doctrinal section of Hebrews, Lord, to know that Your love for us is an action word – You don’t…

Christ’s Sacrifice Sufficient Now and Forever

Full Transcript: Alright let us have a word of prayer as you take your Bibles and turn in Hebrews 10. Let us pray. This morning as I approach the Word of God and preach Your Word, I pray that Your Word would be met by the power of the Spirit and that You would drive…