Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools from Hebrews: (Page 7)

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The Only Unique High Priest (Part 1)

Full Transcript: Alright let us take our Bibles again this morning. We are going to turn to Hebrews 4 and continue in this great passage of Scripture concerning what the Word of God tells us about the unique High Priest Jesus Christ. I left off last time in Hebrews 4:12-13, which describes the terror of…

The Terror of the Word of God

Full Transcript Let’s turn to Hebrews 4:12, 13.  We have to wonder when reading a passage like this, “What does this passage have to do with this context?”  Well, I am going to answer that today.   It is talking about the terror of the Word of God.  We will see what that means. Let us…

A Promise Amid a Warning

Full Transcript: Take your Bibles this morning and turn to Hebrews 4. This book continues to be one of the greatest challenges that I have ever faced in studying the Word of God. Nonetheless, it has a very pertinent and relevant message for us to be thinking through. This morning I want to look at…

The Second Warning: Trust and Obey, Today

Full Transcript: I like to start with a question because it sometimes kick-starts our thinking.  The question I have for you is what is the most heinous sin anyone can ever commit that has so damning effects to it?  What would you say? Think for a moment and what would you think you would say? …

Christ Is Superior to Moses

Full Transcript: Let us take our Bibles this morning and turn to Hebrews 3 verses 1 through 6. And if you notice the theme in our singing was that Christ is greater than Moses and really, this section of Scripture has to do with Christ’s superiority to Moses. It is actually a preamble to the…

The Practical Sympathy of Christ

Full Transcript: Let us take our bibles this morning and turn to the epistle, the letter to the Hebrews chapter two. We are going to look at verse sixteen through eighteen. I titled my message, The Practical Sympathy of Christ, because I believe in this passage of scripture is setting up for us the purpose…

Four Things the Incarnate Son’s Humilating Suffering and Death Accomplished for His Childern

Full Transcript: Let’s take our bibles this morning and turn to Hebrews chapter two. I had one of those weeks where I was not feeling well all week, so you have to bear with me today. I’m a little under the weather. Let’s take our bibles and look at Hebrews, because this morning we are…

The Incarnate Son’s Suffering

Full Transcript: Turn this morning to Hebrews 2:5-10. We will be looking at the emphasis He starts in chapter 2 and continues on through different sections of Hebrews straight to the end, which is the suffering of the incarnate Son. And that was really important for our eternal salvation; we cannot bypass that, put that…