Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools from John: (Page 5)

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gospel of John

I Am Not the Christ

In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines John the Baptist’s testimony about himself in John 1:19-28. The author, John the Apostle, presents John the Baptist’s three-part testimony about himself so that you will believe and exult in Jesus alone. John the Baptist testifies in the same three ways that you should testify about yourself as…

gospel of John

The Supreme Word

In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines the prologue of John’s Gospel, John 1:1-18. In this prologue, John gives four arresting identifications of Jesus so that you will pay attention to Jesus as the supreme Word of God. 1. Jesus Is the Wise and Powerful Creator (1:1-5) 2. Jesus Is the True and Ultimate Light…

gospel of John

Introduction to the Gospel of John

In this first sermon in a new series going through the Gospel of John, Pastor Dave Capoccia gives an introduction to the Gospel. Pastor Dave explains five main areas of background information that will help you better understand and appreciate the Gospel of John: author, date, origin, purpose, and structure.

The Word Became Flesh, Part 2

In this post-Christmas sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia finishes examining the introduction of the Gospel of John. John the apostle gives four vital clarifications regarding the identity of the incarnate Word so that you will not miss who he is but instead behold and believe. In part 2, Pastor Dave looks at the latter three of…

The Word Became Flesh, Part 1

In this pre-Christmas sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia begins examining the introduction of the Gospel of John. John the apostle gives four vital clarifications regarding the identity of the incarnate Word so that you will not miss who he is but instead behold and believe. In part 1, Pastor Dave looks at the first clarification: 1.…

The Zeal for Your House Will Consume Me

In this sermon, Greg Ho examines the account of Jesus cleansing the temple in John 2:13-17 and explains how Jesus’ zeal for God’s house is an example for all God’s people to follow in their commitment to serving God and his church. Full Transcript: Let’s start out by playing some fill in the blank, ready?…

The Only Way in Is through This Door

In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines John 10:9 and explores the sobering and wonderful reality of Jesus as the only way to eternal life. 1. There Is Only One Entry Point into Christ’s True Church (vv. 7-11) 2. There Are Many Presumed Entry Points into Christ’s Church 3. The Person Who Enters through God’s…

Repulsed by the Truth

In this sermon, our guest speaker Aaron G. looks at the exchange between Jesus and the Jews in John 8:12-59. Aaron explains how the passage emphasizes one main truth: who Jesus is guarantees that those of the world will be repulsed by his witness. Aaron also clarifies, though, that man’s fundamental rejection of Jesus is…

The Secrets of a Productive Christian (Part 3)

In this sermon, Pastor Babij finishes his time in John 15 by looking at two more secrets from Jesus important for being a productive Christian. Pastor Babij focuses on prayer, explaining the necessary qualifications Jesus gives for such a generous expectation of answered prayer. 3. Liberty in Prayer (vv. 7-8) a. Must abide in Jesus…