Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools from John: (Page 6)

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The Secrets of a Productive Christian (Part 2)

In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij continues looking at the teaching of Jesus in John 15 about becoming a spiritually productive Christian. Pastor Babij explores further the nature of God’s disciplinary pruning in John 15:1-6 by comparing what God also says in the book of Proverbs and in Hebrews 12:1-11. Specifically, Pastor Babij explains the…

The Secrets of a Productive Christian

In this sermon, Pastor Joseph Babij begins examining Jesus’ private teaching in John 15 on what being a spiritually productive, fruit-bearing Christian looks like while awaiting Jesus’ return. Specifically, Pastor Babij discusses the first two secrets related to being a real and productive Christian: 1. The Pruning of the Father (vv. 1-3) 2. Remaining in…

Becoming a Humble Servant: Ten Lessons from Our Lord

Full Transcript: I’m excited for several reasons. It’s always exciting to be going to the word of God and bring it to you. This is actually the first time that I’m preaching before the Doctor Joseph Babij. Usually when I preach, I’m filling in for him when he’s not here, but this time, I actually…

But Dem Feet Tho: An Encouragement and Warning Directly from the Master

In this sermon, Khaleef Crumbley looks at John’s account of Jesus’ washing the disciples feet. Khaleef explains how Jesus’ words to Peter about the need for feet washing points to every Christian’s obligation to pursue holiness. Full Transcript: Good morning, Calvary. As we look at the whole book of John, you see a marked division.…

God’s Word Is Complete

Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition, Unit 1 Lesson 7 This week in Sunday school, we’re investigating several questions related to the authenticity of the New Testament as Scripture. How do we know that the New Testament is really God’s Word? How do we know that the New Testament canon contains the correct books? And how…

What Should Be Your Response to the Mercy and Power of Christ?

In this sermon, guest speaker Ricardo Morales asks what simple knowledge Christians have of God apart from heavy doctrinal knowledge. Ricardo Morales then draws out two teaching points from Jesus’ healing of the lame man by the Bethesda pool: • God’s mercy has no limits • Mercy is one of the most essential attributes of…

The Crucifixion

Answers Bible Curriculum Year 3 Quarter 3 Lesson 4 We have reached the moment of Jesus’ crucifixion in our ABC Sunday school, arguably the most important moment in redemptive history. What exactly does crucifixion involve? What theologically was happening in the crucifixion? And how did Jesus’ crucifixion fulfill many prophecies? We’ll look at these questions…

Jesus is the Bread of Life

Answers Bible Curriculum Year 3 Quarter 2 Lesson 5 This week in Sunday school, we look at Jesus’ assertion of Himself as the bread of life. What does it mean that Jesus is the bread of life or that believers must “eat Jesus’ flesh and drink Jesus’ blood?” How does Jesus’ teaching on the subject…

Jesus Has Power Over Death

Answers Bible Curriculum Year 3 Quarter 2 Lesson 4 This week in Sunday school, we’re talking about one of Jesus’ greatest miracles: raising Lazarus from the dead. If Jesus loved Lazarus and his sisters, why didn’t Jesus go to visit as soon as Jesus heard Lazarus was sick? Why did Jesus weep and even become…

Jesus Has Power Over Disease

Answers Bible Curriculum Year 3 Quarter 2 Lesson 3 This week in Sunday school, we look at Jesus’ demonstrated power over disease. What miracles did Jesus do to demonstrate this power? Why did Jesus do these miracles? Is illness an indication of sin or God’s disfavor? Should Christians expect healing from injuries and illnesses today?…