Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools in the series Answers Bible Curriculum, First Edition: (Page 10)

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God Rejects Saul as King

In this lesson, David Capoccia teaches on two major instances of disobedience in the life of King Saul: 1) Making a sacrifice contrary to God’s command and 2) Sparing the Amalekite king and choicest animals. David Capoccia explains the context and root of these sins and poses the following three questions for application: 1) Do…

Israel Rejects God as King

Answers Bible Curriculum, Year 2, Q1, Lesson 10 1 Samuel 8:1-22 In this lesson, David Capoccia examines the Old Testament background for the coming kingship of Israel versus the Israelite people’s demand for a king in 1 Samuel 8. Whereas the expectation for the Israelite king is overwhelmingly positive in God’s promises to Israel, the…

God Blesses Ruth

Answers Bible Curriculum Year 2, Q1, Lesson 8 In this lesson, David Capoccia examines all four chapters of the book of Ruth. David Capoccia explores several crucial questions for interpreting this book: Did Ehimelech and Naomi sin by leaving Israel in a time of famine? Why does Ruth approach Boaz the way she does at…

God Uses Gideon

Answers Bible Curriculum Year 2, Quarter 1, Lesson 5 In this lesson, David Capoccia looks at the account of God’s deliverance through Gideon in Judges 6-8. Through Gideon, God shows that He can provide great victory for weak warriors when they simply trust and obey Him.

Israel Disobeys God

Answers Bible Curriculum Year 2, Quarter 1, Lesson 4 In this lesson, David Capoccia looks at the end of Joshua’s conquest campaign and Israel’s descent into idolatry. How did God’s people so quickly turn away from Him? It began with small compromises and culminated in a full embrace of pagan gods and worship practices, including child…

The Battle of Jericho

Answers Bible Curriculum Year 2, Quarter 1, Lesson 3 In this lesson, David Capoccia examines the account of Israel defeating Jericho, explaining why the city was so imposing, why God sent His Captain to meet with Joshua, and what this account teaches Christians about faith and obedience.

God Uses Rahab

In this lesson of the Answers Bible Curriculum, David Capoccia looks at how God used the Canaanite harlot Rahab to provide protection for Israelite spies and encouragement to all Israel. David Capoccia also investigates whether lying is ever permitted by God and what believers should make of Rahab’s commended faith.

God Calls Joshua

In this lesson, David Capoccia looks at God’s instruction to Joshua as Joshua is about to lead Israel into Canaan. God exhorts Joshua to continually study God’s Word, to believe it, to obey it, and to, thereby, receive God’s reward and provision. David Capoccia explains how this process was exemplified in both Joshua’s and Jesus’…