Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools in the series Special Sermon: (Page 14)

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Be Holy in 2016

How important should a holy life be for a Christian? In this sermon, David Capoccia looks at the teaching of the Apostle John in the letter of 1 John. David Capoccia explains that, in contrast to false teaching circulating during John’s time, Christ’s apostle taught: 1.) Believers must walk in light because God is light, 2.)  Believers…

Spiritual Renewal

In this sermon, Pastor Babij examines the spiritual renewal led by King Hezekiah in Judah recorded in the book of 2 Chronicles. Pastor Babij explains that the process of renewal Judah underwent at that time is the same process all Christians need to undergo as they look forward to a new year of life before God; like Judah, Christians need to…

Salvation is a Gift

In this Christmas Eve sermon, Pastor Babij examines the Apostle Paul’s teaching on salvation in Romans 6:23. Pastor Babij explains how a person may take only one of two courses in this world. These courses feature 1.) Two different masters: Sin or God,  2.) Two different conditions in which to live: wage earning or gift receiving, and…

The Wonder of God’s Love

In this sermon, Pastor Babij discusses why it is that Christmas should fill people with great wonder at God’s love. Pastor Babij explains that, in Christ coming as a man, mankind sees that: 1.) God took the initiative to secure salvation for sinners, 2.) God’s love held nothing back to bring life to sinners, and…

Three “R’s” Worth Remembering: Ruin – Redemption – Regeneration

In this special Thanksgiving sermon, Pastor Babij explains how, despite man’s apparent progress, man is actually in a state of continual spiritual ruin. Pastor Babij explains the reality of God’s judgment as well as God’s merciful provision of redemption and regeneration for all of those who repent and believe in Jesus Christ.

Why God’s People Do Not Worry

In this sermon, David Capoccia examines Jesus’ teaching on worry in the Sermon on the Mount. David Capoccia explains two commands from Jesus regarding worry, two comforting metaphors from Jesus’ illustrating the believer’s relationship to God, and seven reasons from Jesus as to why Christians should not worry.

A Biblical Model for Giving in Light of God’s Grace

Are you a biblical giver? In this sermon, Khaleef Crumbley examines the apostle Paul’s teaching regarding giving in 2 Corinthians 8:1-7. There, Paul uses the example of the Macedonian believers to encourage and instruct the Corinthian church. Khaleef Crumbley explains how the Macedonians are also examples for us as the Macedonians display ten characteristics of…

Four Matters You Should Seriously Consider if You’re Serious about Becoming a Biblical Christian

In this sermon, Pastor Babij identifies the fundamental problem with most people’s understanding of salvation: they start with what Jesus accomplished on the cross instead of the glorious character of God. As a result, most people create a false version of God in their minds and do not take their spiritual condition very seriously. To correct this…

The Significance of the Lord’s Table

In this sermon, Pastor Babij examines the importance of the Lord’s Table ordinance. Pastor Babij explains how the rite is designed for baptized believers in that it causes the participant to look backward at what Christ accomplished, look inward at one’s own present walk with Christ, and look forward to a glorious future with Christ at the…

The Rescuing Nature of Wisdom

In this sermon, Pastor Babij explains how the wisdom of God’s Word has a practically rescuing aspect to it. In particular, the Bible warns against adopting the way of and becoming the prey of wicked men and wicked women, especially when it comes to sexual immorality. Pastor Babij explores Proverbs 2:10-22 as a sobering warning…