In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij considers the miraculous, spiritual gift of tongues and explains from the Bible why, despite many claims today to the contrary, this New Testament gift is no longer in operation.
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij considers the miraculous, spiritual gift of tongues and explains from the Bible why, despite many claims today to the contrary, this New Testament gift is no longer in operation.
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij begins presenting the case for cessationism, the belief that, while God can and still does do miracles today, God no longer empowers individual Christians with miraculous sign-gifts (i.e. prophecy, tongues, healings, exorcisms, works of power). In part 1, Pastor Babij presents ten biblical arguments on behalf of cessationism: 1.…
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij looks at Hebrews 6:1-8 and 10:25-31 to warn against the serious sin of apostasy, abandoning Christ and Christ’s truth. Pastor Babij explains how refusing to mature spiritually and abandoning the local assembly are fearful signposts on the way ultimately to despising the triune God and the faith once and…
In this special New Year’s Eve sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines Ecclesiastes 3:1-15 and Solomon’s teaching about the different times or seasons of life. Pastor Dave explains that, rather than romantically musing about life’s different times, Solomon shows how people ultimately have no control over their times. Solomon then presents how to respond wisely to…
In this special Christmas sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines Matthew 1:21-25 so that you might see and respond appropriately to Jesus’ name, which is like no other. From the passage, Pastor Babij explains five truths in connection with Jesus’ name. 1. The name of Jesus is divinely ordered (v. 21a) 2. The name of Jesus…
In this Christmas sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines Psalm 2 and King David’s exhortation there to do homage to God’s Son. King David gives three reasons why: 1. The World Rebels against God’s Good Messiah (vv. 1-3) 2. The Father Easily Confounds Man’s Rebellious Plans (vv. 4-6) 3. The Son Testifies He Will Rule All…
In this special baptism service sermon, Pastor Joe Babij looks at Paul’s testimony before Agrippa in Acts 26:1-32. Pastor Babij identifies three key parts of any person’s salvation testimony by looking at Paul’s model: what a person was like before conversion, what happened to a person in conversion, and how a person became different after…
In this sermon, Greg Ho examines 1 Peter 1:3-9 and the word Peter gives there to Christians wondering, “Why does God allow our suffering?” Peter gives a three part answer to help Christians endure joyfully for the sake of Christ. 1. The Promise to the Suffering Christian (vv. 3-5) 2. The Purpose of the Suffering…
In this sermon, Khaleef Crumbley examines Matthew 7:13-23 and other scriptures to consider what does and what does not show that a person is saved in Jesus Christ. Khaleef first considers what does not necessarily indicate salvation and second what actually does.
In this Resurrection Day sermon, Pastor Joe Babij explains how Jesus’ bodily resurrection represents complete victory for those who believe in Jesus over mankind’s five great enemies. Pastor Babij concludes with a crucial question: are you by faith and repentance on the side of Jesus the conqueror, or are you still defeated and dead in…