Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools in the series Special Sermon: (Page 6)

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Four Distinct Marks of a Baked Dirt Ambassador for Christ, Part 2

In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij continues examining Paul’s teaching regarding what it means to be an ambassador for Christ in 2 Corinthians 5:11-21. In part 2, Pastor Babij gives the second two of four distinguishing marks of baked dirt ambassadors for Christ. Believers, in order to carry out their ambassadorship from God with confidence…

Four Distinct Marks of a Baked Dirt Ambassador for Christ, Part 1

In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines Paul’s teaching regarding what it means to be an ambassador for Christ in 2 Corinthians 5:11-21. In part 1, Pastor Babij gives the first two of four distinguishing marks of baked dirt ambassadors for Christ. Believers, in order to carry out their ambassadorship from God with confidence and…

God’s Power Through Baked Dirt

In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines Paul’s teaching about believers’ resurrected bodies in 2 Corinthians 5:1-10. Pastor Babij explains how God’s amazing promises regarding what he will do with us—who are no more than baked dirt—equips us to serve him with hope while on the earth. Pastor Babij presents Paul’s teaching in four main…

Passing on to Your Children the Living Oracles of God

In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij looks at several Bible passages to teach the importance of applying the law of God, especially the Ten Commandments, to the raising of children. Pastor Babij explains how God’s commands and our failure to keep them expose the sinful heart and point each of us to our need for…

Visual Memorials of God’s Faithfulness

In this special Father’s Day sermon, Pastor Joe Babij considers Joshua 4 and God’s command to Joshua to memorialize the miraculous crossing of the Jordan River. Pastor Babij explains that Christians, too, need to be purposeful in visually memorializing the great works of God in our lives, both for our own sake and for the…

One Thing Is Necessary

In this special Mother’s Day sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines the short account about Mary, Martha, and Jesus in Luke 10:38-42. Christ teaches in this passage a simple but critical truth about following him: devoted discipleship comes before happy service. As Pastor Dave preaches through the text, he identifies three highlighted characters who underscore the…

Christ Resurrected: Guarantees

In this special Resurrection Day sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines the apostle Paul’s teaching on the resurrection in 1 Corinthians 15:20-28. Pastor Babij explains not only how Jesus’ resurrection is the most well-established fact in antiquity but also how Jesus’ resurrection results in two mighty guarantees for believers: 1. Christ’s Resurrection Guarantees Our Resurrection (vv.…

A Testimony for Christ

In this special baptism service sermon, Pastor Joe Babij looks at Paul’s testimony before Agrippa in Acts 26:1-32. Pastor Babij identifies three key parts of any person’s salvation testimony by looking at Paul’s model: what a person was like before conversion, what happened to a person in conversion, and how a person became different after…

What Is Repentance?

In this special New Year’s sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines the topic of repentance, what it is and why it is necessary both for salvation and for ongoing holiness. Pastor Dave defines repentance as the turning of the entire self (or inner man) from sin to God. Pastor Dave then looks at several Bible passages…