Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools by David Capoccia: (Page 13)

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Disciplines of Grace

Disciplines of Grace: The Bible, Part 2

In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia finishes explaining from the Bible about the Christian’s necessary spiritual discipline of the Bible. For part 2, Pastor Dave considers the “how” of this discipline and presents six principles from the Bible to maximize your soul’s feasting on the Bible: 1. The Bible Requires Multifaceted Pursuit (Dt 6:6-9) 2.…

Disciplines of Grace

Disciplines of Grace: The Bible, Part 1

In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia begins explaining from the Bible about the Christian’s necessary spiritual discipline of the Bible. For part 1, Pastor Dave considers the “why” of this discipline and presents four truths about the Bible that should move you to pursue the Bible as your necessary food: 1. The Bible Is God’s…

Disciplines of Grace

Godliness: No Pain, No Gain

In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia begins a mini-series on the disciplines of grace, that is, the positive spiritual activities that should characterize the lives of believers as believers pursue Christ. Pastor Dave starts with an overview of the topic of spiritual discipline from 1 Timothy 4:7-8. In these verses, Paul exhorts you to discipline…

God, What Are You Doing? Part 3: Worshipping

In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia concludes his examination of the book of Habakkuk and the three-part process of dealing with the question, “God, what are you doing?” Worship is the final step in the process, and, in Habakkuk 3:1-19, the ancient prophet provides a model prayer song of worship to show you how to…

God, What Are You Doing? Part 2: Listening

In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia continues a mini-series on Habakkuk, the prophet who asked the same question that Christians often ask during ongoing trials: “God, What Are You Doing?” Part 2 sees Pastor Dave examine the second step of rightly dealing with God’s difficult providence: Listening. In Habakkuk 2:1-20, Habakkuk gives three reasons for…

God, What Are You Doing? Part 1: Questioning

In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia begins a mini-series on Habakkuk, the prophet who asked the same question that Christians often ask during ongoing trials: “God, What Are You Doing?” Part 1 sees Pastor Dave introduce the book of Habakkuk and examine the first step of rightly dealing with God’s difficult providence: Questioning. In Habakkuk…

Forgive As You Are Forgiven

In this special New Year’s sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines Jesus’ teaching on forgiveness in Matthew 18:21-35. Jesus shows you three reasons why God’s children, the forgiven, always forgive others: 1. God Has Forgiven Your Great Debt (vv. 21-27) 2. God Demands You Forgive Lesser Debts (vv. 28-30) 3. God Will Not Forgive the Unforgiving…

The Word Became Flesh, Part 2

In this post-Christmas sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia finishes examining the introduction of the Gospel of John. John the apostle gives four vital clarifications regarding the identity of the incarnate Word so that you will not miss who he is but instead behold and believe. In part 2, Pastor Dave looks at the latter three of…

The Word Became Flesh, Part 1

In this pre-Christmas sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia begins examining the introduction of the Gospel of John. John the apostle gives four vital clarifications regarding the identity of the incarnate Word so that you will not miss who he is but instead behold and believe. In part 1, Pastor Dave looks at the first clarification: 1.…

Ecclesiastes: A Retrospective

In this concluding sermon on the study of Ecclesiastes, Pastor Dave Capoccia briefly reviews the answers to the book’s fundamental questions before reading the entire book from start to finish. The three questions Pastor Dave considers are: 1. What is the main message of Ecclesiastes? 2. How is the message of Ecclesiastes developed? 3. How…