Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools by David Capoccia: (Page 15)

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Lesson 2: The Bible’s Sufficiency for Counseling

In this second lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia discusses how the Bible is totally sufficient for the Christian life, including for counseling people about their problems. Pastor Dave presents the Bible’s sufficiency in three points: 1. The Bible Claims Sufficiency 2. The Bible Illustrates Sufficiency 3. The Bible Demonstrates Sufficiency

The Destructive Power of a Little Foolishness, Part 2

In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia finishes looking at Solomon’s instruction regarding foolishness in Ecclesiastes 10:1-20. In part 2, Pastor Dave examines Solomon’s final two of four self-destructive characteristics of foolishness, especially in government, so that you will guard against folly and pursue wisdom instead. Pastor Dave also considers Solomon’s brief concluding bit of practical…

The Destructive Power of a Little Foolishness, Part 1

In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia begins looking at Solomon’s instruction regarding foolishness in Ecclesiastes 10:1-20. In part 1, Pastor Dave examines Solomon’s introduction and the first two of four self-destructive characteristics of foolishness, especially in government, so that you will guard against folly and pursue wisdom instead. Introduction: Wisdom Delivers, Folly Destroys (vv. 1-4)…

The Delivering Power of a Little Wisdom

In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia looks at Solomon’s teaching in Ecclesiastes 9:11-18 regarding the need for wisdom in light of life’s uncertainty. Specifically, Solomon provides four poignant observations about life so that you will seek the limited but real power of wisdom. 1. No Outcome Is Guaranteed (v. 11) 2. Disaster Falls Down Suddenly…

It’s a Good Day to Be Alive

In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia looks at a surprising, carpe diem style exhortation from Solomon in Ecclesiastes 8:16-9:10. Solomon gives two simple reasons why you should stop waiting and start making the most of your vaporous life from God: 1. Life Is Uncertain (8:16-9:1) 2. Death Is Certain (9:2-6) 3. Conclusion: Make the Most…

Despite Injustice, Fear God and Enjoy Life

In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia again looks at Solomon’s wisdom for how to regard authorities, but this time from Eccl 8:10-15. Solomon’s counsel is that, despite injustice, you should fear God and enjoy life. Solomon presents this counsel by drawing attention to two difficult realities and two wise responses to those realities: 1. Reality:…

Obey Authorities, Avoid Trouble

In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia, looks at the wisdom from Solomon about how one should regard authorities in Ecclesiastes 8:1-9. Solomon teaches that, If you want to be wise and avoid trouble, you should obey the authorities God has set up in your life. Solomon also gives four wise reasons why should obey even…

Wisdom’s Low-Hanging Fruit, Part 2

In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia completes examination of Solomon’s surprising teaching in Ecclesiastes 7:23-29. Solomon warns against vainly pursuing deep knowledge and instead urges you to understand and apply three basic life truths. In part 2, Pastor Dave explains the second and third basic truths from Solomon. Introduction: You cannot know the fundamental scheme…