Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools by David Capoccia: (Page 23)

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Isaac: Child of Promise

Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 3 Lesson 37 This week in Sunday school, we’re looking at the long-anticipated birth of Abraham’s promised son, Isaac. Why, in anticipation of Isaac’s birth, does God ordain that Abraham and his descendants adopt circumcision? Why did God make Abraham and Sarah wait so long before providing their child?…

God’s Covenant with Abram

Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 4 Lesson 36 This week in Sunday school, we look at two very significant episodes in the life of Abraham: the ceremony formally establishing the Abrahamic Covenant and the failed effort of Abram and Sarai to obtain the son of promise through Hagar. What can we learn from these…

Sodom and Gomorrah

Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 4 Lesson 35 This week in Sunday school, we investigate what God did with Sodom and Gomorrah in the days of Abraham. What does Abraham’s intercession on behalf of the city reveal about God’s justice? What are we to learn from the fiery judgment and angelic rescue accomplished afterward…

Abram and Lot

Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 3 Lesson 34 This week in Sunday school, we look more at the life of Abram. Abram and Lot eventually have to separate from each other. Why was this separation important in God’s sovereign plan? How does this event become an occasion for displaying Abram’s faith in God? And…

God Calls Abram

Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 4 Lesson 33 This week in Sunday school, we return to Genesis and meet the important Hebrew patriarch Abram (later Abraham) and see him receive God’s call. Why did God call Abram? Why did Abram obey? How was the salvation promise of Genesis 3:15 moving forward in the life…

Job’s Suffering

Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 4 Lesson 32 This week in Sunday school, we briefly leave Genesis to consider the life of Job. Why did God bring such suffering on righteous Job? What is the main lesson of the book? And how should we respond to those who suggest that trials and even illnesses…

One Race: The Human Race

Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 4 Lesson 31 In this lesson, we want to consider several questions related to the Babel division of Genesis 11:1-9. What were the world’s first people groups and where did they settle? Did cavemen ever really exist? And if all humanity is really one race, why do today’s people…

The Ice Age

Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 3 Lesson 28 This week in Sunday school, we’re considering the Ice Age. The Bible never specifically addresses any ice age, but there is evidence of a past ice age all over our world today. How does the Ice Age connect with what the Bible reveals about Noah’s flood?…

Noah’s Ark

Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 3 Lesson 28 This week, in our continued study of the great flood, we’re focusing on Noah’s ark itself. The Bible gives some description of the size and specifications of the ark, but is the ark believable? How would such a vessel have been able to handle the tumultuous…