Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools by David Capoccia: (Page 36)

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Elijah Defeats the Prophets of Baal

Answers Bible Curriculum Year 2 Quarter 2 Lesson 11 In this lesson, David Capoccia examines Elijah’s confrontation with the prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel. David Capoccia first looks at the context of the confrontation at Carmel, then the contest at Carmel, and then the application of the account of Carmel. This section of Scripture vividly exposes the…

God Sends Jonah

Answers Bible Curriculum Year 2 Quarter 2 Lesson 10 In this lesson, David Capoccia discusses the account of the prophet Jonah. Some questions covered in this lesson include: Why did Jonah run away from God’s mission? How did God preserve Jonah in the big fish? Why was the repentance of Nineveh a bigger miracle than Jonah’s experience…

The Kingdom Is Divided

Answers Bible Curriculum Year 2 Quarter 2 Lesson 9 In this lesson, David Capoccia discusses the compromises of King Solomon and the consequences for the nation of Israel. David Capoccia examines how Solomon compromised, how God reacted, and how Israel was affected. Solomon’s life is a great cautionary tale of how someone wise, even a great…

Wisdom from God

Answers Bible Curriculum Year 2 Quarter 2 Lesson 8 In this lesson, David Capoccia overviews the book of Proverbs. After a quiz on what is really a biblical proverb, David Capoccia discusses the background of Proverbs, the purpose of Proverbs given in its introductory chapters, and the broad array of life topics addressed in Proverbs. David Capoccia…

Arm Yourself to Suffer Righteously

In this sermon, David Capoccia explores Peter’s exhortation regarding suffering in 1 Peter 4. After some important introductory information, David Capoccia explains that, to suffer righteously and joyfully, believers must: 1.) arm themselves for suffering with Christ’s mindset, 2.) not seek to escape suffering by adopting worldly behavior, and 3.) remember that judgment is coming.

Solomon Builds God’s Temple

ABC Year 2 Quarter 2 Lesson 7 In this lesson, David Capoccia discusses Solomon’s temple, both its description from Kings and Chronicles as well as the preparations King David made for his son Solomon. David Capoccia also briefly examines how temple worship changed after Solomon and what the temple means for believers today.

Parallel Accounts

Answers Bible Curriculum Year 2 Quarter 2 Lesson 6 In this lesson, David Capoccia examines how the time periods discussed in the different OT books fit together — which books overlap in time and how they do so. David Capoccia also explains the benefits of having multiple historical accounts on the same person or event, which…

Praises to God

In this lesson, David Capoccia introduces the Book of Psalms and surveys its background information, interpretive considerations, and types. David Capoccia breaks the Psalms down into six types. Thanksgiving (e.g Ps. 150) Wisdom (e.g. Ps. 1) Royal (e.g. Ps. 110) Lamentation (e.g. Ps. 43) Penitential (e.g. Ps. 38) Imprecatory (e.g. Ps. 58)

David Disobeys God

Answers Bible Curriculum Year 2, Quarter 2, Lesson 3 In this lesson, David Capoccia teaches on the account of King David’s sin with Bathsheba, the king’s repentance after being confronted by Nathan, and the greater aftermath of the king’s sin. We learn from this passage that God wants Christians to take the danger of sin seriously and to…