Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools by David Capoccia: (Page 38)

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Be Holy in 2016, Part 2

In this sermon, David Capoccia considers further application from the teaching of the Apostle John in 1 John 1:5-2:11. Specifically, David Capoccia addresses four truths from the Bible that are frequently twisted today in a way that harms sanctification. The four truths are: Christians Still Sin, God Is Sovereign, God’s Grace Motivates Christian Holiness, and God…

Israel Disobeys God

Answers Bible Curriculum Year 2, Quarter 1, Lesson 4 In this lesson, David Capoccia looks at the end of Joshua’s conquest campaign and Israel’s descent into idolatry. How did God’s people so quickly turn away from Him? It began with small compromises and culminated in a full embrace of pagan gods and worship practices, including child…

The Battle of Jericho

Answers Bible Curriculum Year 2, Quarter 1, Lesson 3 In this lesson, David Capoccia examines the account of Israel defeating Jericho, explaining why the city was so imposing, why God sent His Captain to meet with Joshua, and what this account teaches Christians about faith and obedience.

God Uses Rahab

In this lesson of the Answers Bible Curriculum, David Capoccia looks at how God used the Canaanite harlot Rahab to provide protection for Israelite spies and encouragement to all Israel. David Capoccia also investigates whether lying is ever permitted by God and what believers should make of Rahab’s commended faith.

Be Holy in 2016

How important should a holy life be for a Christian? In this sermon, David Capoccia looks at the teaching of the Apostle John in the letter of 1 John. David Capoccia explains that, in contrast to false teaching circulating during John’s time, Christ’s apostle taught: 1.) Believers must walk in light because God is light, 2.)  Believers…

God Calls Joshua

In this lesson, David Capoccia looks at God’s instruction to Joshua as Joshua is about to lead Israel into Canaan. God exhorts Joshua to continually study God’s Word, to believe it, to obey it, and to, thereby, receive God’s reward and provision. David Capoccia explains how this process was exemplified in both Joshua’s and Jesus’…

Worship in the Tabernacle, Part 2

In this lesson, we continue our investigation into the elements of Israel’s tabernacle. Specifically, we look at the tabernacle building itself, the veil, the screen, the tabernacle court, and the bronze altar. We again consider the following questions: How did God want these elements to be made? What do these elements say about God? And how do these objects connect…

Joshua, Caleb, and the Spies

In this lesson, we look at the account of Israel spying out and then refusing to enter the promised land of Canaan. While most of Israel doubted God and refused to obey God, a faithful remnant that included Joshua and Caleb stood strong and urged obedience. This passage has much to teach believers about trusting God’s…

Worship in the Tabernacle, Part 1

In this lesson, we conduct part one of our investigation into the elements of Israel’s tabernacle. Specifically, we look at the ark of the covenant, the table of showbread, the golden lampstand, and the altar of incense. We answer the following questions: How did God want these elements to be made? What do these elements say about…