Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools by Pastor Joseph Babij: (Page 16)

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People Need the Lord

In this sermon, Pastor Babij teaches on how all people need Jesus to negate the deadly effect of sin and to enter into new life with Jesus. Using several Scripture passages, Pastor Babij explains how we are all born spiritually dead and enemies of God. We therefore all need divine intervention to bring us new…

The Four-Fold Purpose of the Church: Devoted to “the Prayers” (Part 2)

In this sermon, Pastor Babij ask you to examine your prayer life honestly and enjoins you to attend congregational prayer times. Pastor Babij discusses how many of the prayers in Acts are inherently corporate. Pastor Babij also reviews the prayer of Hezekiah against the Assyrians and draws out the importance of: 1.) to Whom we…

The Four-Fold Purpose of the Church: Devoted to “the Prayers”

In this sermon, Pastor Babij preaches on corporate prayer and why it should be a priority for believers. Pastor Babij stresses why prayer requires putting on the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-19) as well as understanding correct doctrine. Pastor Babij also identifies five temptations congregations must resist when praying together: 1) Canceling regularly scheduled…

The Four-Fold Purpose of the Church: The Breaking of Bread

In this sermon, Pastor Babij teaches on the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper. Pastor Babij stresses that this celebration was instituted by Jesus Himself as part of worship and that only believers are to participate. Pastor Babij explains five reasons Christians should be eager to “break bread”: 1) It is commanded by Christ 2) It…

The Four-Fold Purpose of the Church: Christian Fellowship (Part 4)

In this sermon, Pastor Babij continues teaching on Christian fellowship and how to understand and maintain unity in the church. Pastor Babij explains that, because Christians are part of Christ’s body, they are to build an atmosphere of care and respect for one another and to practice the gifts that God has bestowed on each…

The Four-Fold Purpose of the Church: Christian Fellowship (Part 3)

In this sermon, Pastor Babij continues teaching on Christian fellowship and how it works out in the local church. Using the human body as a metaphor (as did the apostle Paul) Pastor Babij explains the necessity for all the members of the church to work together for the common goal of glorifying the Lord Jesus…

The Four-Fold Purpose of the Church: Christian Fellowship (Part 2)

In this sermon, Pastor Babij continues his teaching regarding Christian fellowship, both with the Lord and with fellow believers. Using Scripture, Pastor Babij explains why Christian fellowship is not a luxury but a necessity for growing in grace and for displaying God’s glory to the world. Pastor Babij calls on believers to resist the inherent…

The Four-Fold Purpose of the Church: Christian Fellowship (Part 1)

In this sermon, Pastor Babij continues teaching on the purpose of the Church by discussing the importance of genuine Christian fellowship. Pastor Babij explains that, in participating in true fellowship with one another, Christians ought to be devoting themselves to shared relationships, partnering with other Christians to glorify God, and agreeing on the revealed truth…

The Four-Fold Purpose of the Church: The Priority of Doctrine

In this sermon, Pastor Babij continues teaching on the purpose of the church and the high priority of correct doctrine. Pastor Babij stresses the need for Christians to know and practice the doctrine of the apostles that was delivered to them by God Himself. Pastor Babij details how true Christians love to learn and do…

The Four-Fold Purpose of the Church: An Introduction

In this introductory sermon, Pastor Babij begins his new series on the four-fold purpose of the Church. Pastor Babij first discusses the make-up of a genuine Christian and what happens when a person becomes a Christian. Pastor Babij next explains why Christians are not think and behave like the people of the world and why…