Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools by Pastor Joseph Babij: (Page 28)

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True Religion!?

In this sermon, Pastor Babij answers the question, “What is True Religion?” He explains that true religion is gained when we rightly (biblically) understand who God is, who man is, and what God has done to solve man’s dilemma. Pastor Babij teaches that true religion is turning away from our own works and supposed goodness…

The Olivet Discourse: Preparing for the End Times (Part 2)

In this sermon, Pastor Babij looks more at Jesus’ teaching about the end times in the Olivet Discourse. Pastor Babij overviews the sequence of future events involving the antichrist and tribulation period. Pastor Babij also explains the sign Jesus says to look for and the proper reaction to the sign for those living in the latter…

The Olivet Discourse: Preparing for the End Times (Part 1)

Pastor Babij examines Jesus’ end-time teaching to His disciples.  Jesus shows the Messianic kingdom would not immediately follow the destruction of the temple and gives His disciples two admonitions: Be on guard so that you are not deceived Be on guard against fear and anxiety

The Demands of True Discipleship

Pastor Babij examines Jesus’ question: “How is it the scribes say the Christ is the Son of David…if David himself calls Him ‘Lord’?” Pastor Babij teaches that knowing Jesus scripturally places three demands upon Christian discipleship: Greater submission to Scripture to better understand who Jesus is Greater scriptural shrewdness to identify and avoid false teachers Greater…

Two Important Precepts: Controversy with a Representation Scribe

Pastor Babij examines Jesus’ answer to the question posed by the scribe, “What commandment is the foremost of all?” Jesus answered by connecting the Shema (Deuteronomy 6:4-5) and Leviticus 19:18: “Love God with everything you are” and “love your neighbor as yourself”. Pastor Babij explains how these two principles hedge against two dangers: mysticism and…

Controversy with the Sadducces – A Tricky Conundrum

Pastor Babij examines the Sadducces questioning of Jesus and the devious conundrum used against Jesus to make Him look ridiculous. Pastor Babij teaches how Jesus turned the tables on the Sadducces and used Moses’ writings, which the Sadducces revered, to prove that there is a resurrection and that God is the God of the living,…

The Controversy over Paying Taxes (Part 2)

Pastor Babij examines the role of human government and the Christian’s responsibilities to that government. Pastor Babij explains that Christians are to obey the lawful orders even of tyrants if they do not conflict with God’s law and to pray for those rulers. Pastor Babij also gives some counsel regarding voting in the upcoming election.

The Controversy over Paying Taxes

Pastor Babij examines Mark’s account of the Pharisees and Herodians attempting to trap Jesus with a question: should the Jews pay the Roman tax or not? Pastor Babij explains how Jesus showed His divine wisdom in response, avoiding the trap while clarifying the Christian’s relationship to government. From Jesus’ example, Pastor Babij points out five…

The Parable of the Defiant Tenants

Pastor Babij exposits the parable of the vineyard and defiant vinedressers in the Gospel of Mark as he identifies four characters in the parable: the vineyard owner is the Father, the vineyard is Israel, the vinedressers are the leaders of Israel, and the son is Jesus Christ. Pastor Babij also discusses three characteristics of God…

Controversy over Authority

Pastor Babij continues his exposition of the Gospel of Mark by looking at the account of the rulers of Israel confronting Jesus over His credentials. From the passage, Pastor Babij explains three characteristics of damning unbelief to beware: Refusal to Submit to Jesus’ Authority Refusal to Be Honest with the Facts Uncertainty and Fear, Especially…