Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools by Pastor Joseph Babij: (Page 29)

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Spiritual Barrenness (Part 2)

In this sermon, Pastor Babij examines Jesus’ cleansing of the temple in Jerusalem and His subsequent teaching as recorded in Mark’s gospel. Pastor Babij explains how Jesus, with His clearing the temple, exposed the Jews’ empty devotion to God. Pastor Babij then discusses how mere religious formality can be a damning danger today also and how Jesus…

Spiritual Barrenness

In this sermon, Pastor Babij examines Jesus’ cursing of the fig tree outside Jerusalem. Pastor Babij explains how the fig tree represented Israel’s spiritual barrenness and the curse represented Israel’s coming judgment. Pastor Babij then discusses the need for true Christians to bear spiritual fruit and the type of fruit a Christian should manifest in his life in order…

Jesus’ Triumphal Entry

In this sermon, Pastor Babij examines Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem as recorded by Mark. Pastor Babij explains how Jesus’ good and glorious character is on display in the Jerusalem entry. Jesus shows Himself to be: 1. The King with Sovereign Control 2. The King with Humility 3. The King on a Mission of Peace…

Blind Sight

In this sermon, Pastor Babij examines Mark’s account of Jesus’ healing of the blind beggar Bartimaeus. Pastor Babij explains how this account reveals Jesus’ servant heart and Messiahship and gives a model for how disciples of Jesus should act, both in reaction to Jesus and in reaction to the lowly and hurting of our world.

The Greatness of the Son of Man

In this sermon, Pastor Babij explores how, in the midst of Jesus’ teaching regarding true greatness for His disciples, Jesus presents Himself as the ultimately great One. Pastor Babij explains Jesus’ greatness in three main points: The Greatness of Who Jesus Was: God, Man, and Messiah The Greatness of What He Became: A Suffering Servant to…

The Essence of True Discipleship: Service

In this sermon, Pastor Babij examines Jesus’ teaching regarding how to become great in His kingdom. Pastor Babij explains that humble service and suffering are the real way to greatness. Following Jesus’ teaching in Mark 10, Pastor Babij specifically identifies four truths about greatness that followers of Christ must consider: The connection between true greatness and the true…

The Reality of True Discipleship (Part 5): What to Do Between Now and the End

In this sermon, Pastor Babij wraps up his mini series on the reality of true discipleship by looking at 1 Peter 4:7-11. Pastor Babij explains five imperatives from Peter in light of the end and the coming reward for believers: Keep your head clear for the purpose of prayer Keep your heart warm for the…

The Reality of True Discipleship (Part 4): The Judgment Seat of Christ – Crowns as Rewards

In this sermon, Pastor Babij finishes explaining the five crowns given to faithful believers. Specifically, Pastor Babij discusses the Sufferer’s Crown from James 1:12 and the Watcher’s Crown in 2 Timothy 4:8. Using 1 Peter 4:7-11, Pastor Babij also examines two of the five ways Christians ought to be affected by the teaching of Christ’s judgment…

The Reality of True Discipleship (Part 3): The Judgment Seat of Christ — Reward

In this sermon, Pastor Babij continues discussing the judgment of believers by Christ, the judgment that determines reward. This time, Pastor Babij begins exploring the kind of rewards awaiting believers via the different crowns the Bible describes. Pastor Babij examines three of the five biblical crowns: the incorruptible crown (The Steadfast Runner’s Crown), the crown…

The Reality of True Discipleship (Part 2): The Judgment Seat of Christ

In this sermon, Pastor Babij further explores the believer’s reward mentioned by Jesus in Mark 10:28-32. Pastor Babij explains the coming judgment of believers described in 1 Corinthians 3 and 2 Corinthians 5 and how believers can ensure the best outcome; this judgment is about gaining or losing reward, not gaining or losing salvation.