Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools by Pastor Joseph Babij: (Page 7)

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The Gospel Makes All Things New (Part 2)

In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij continues discussing Paul’s teaching from Colossians 1:5-8 in how the gospel makes all things new for the Christian. In Part 2, Pastor Babij explains the pattern of God’s work in spiritually growing people: 1. The Gospel Must Be Heard (v. 5) 2. The Gospel Must Be Understood (v. 6)…


The Gospel Makes All Things New (Part 1)

In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines Paul introductory words in Colossians 1:3-8. Pastor Babij explains how, in Paul’s words of thanks, Paul clarifies how the gospel of Jesus transforms believers to progress in three areas of living: thanksgiving, hope, and steadfastness in the one, true gospel.


Greetings to Those in Their New Position in Christ

In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines the apostle Paul’s introductory greeting in Colossians 1:1-2. Pastor Babij explains how what was true about the ancient Colossians’ spiritual position is and ought to be true of believers today. Full Transcript: Let’s take our Bibles again and turn to Colossians 1. I’ll be reading just two verses…


The Epistle of Colossians: An Introduction

In this introductory sermon for a new series studying the book of Colossians, Pastor Joe Babij explains the background of the book and the apostle Paul’s original purpose in writing. Pastor Babij breaks down Paul’s original purpose into a three-fold intention: 1. Establish a rapport with the Colossian believers and express to them a pastoral…

Declining Love: Executed and Eliminated

In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij completes his look at the topic of declining love for Jesus by examining Revelation 2:1-7 and Jesus’ words to the Ephesians church. Pastor Babij explains Jesus’ commendation, condemnation, counsel, and challenge, first to the ancient church and then to us today. We must remember and return to our first…

Declining Love: Examined

In this sermon, Pastor Babij looks at Jude 21 and then the rest of the Bible as he considers the topic of declining love for Jesus. Pastor Babij especially looks at the life of Peter as someone who drifted from Jesus into backslidden living but then was later brought back into loving his lord. Full…

Book of Jude

Contending for the Faith: Instruction in Godly Wisdom for Discerning Christians (Part 5)

In his final sermon on Jude, Pastor Joe Babij examines the letter’s doxological ending. After some review, Pastor Babij explains from Jude one more way believers must stand strong and not drift in the midst of apostasy: rest in the one who is for you. 4. Rest in the one who is for you (vv.…

Book of Jude

Contending for the Faith: Instruction in Godly Wisdom for Discerning Christians (Part 4)

In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij finishes examining Jude 22-23 and how believers must be rescuers of those caught up in false teaching. Pastor Babij explains the last of the the three ways that you as a believer must rescue the doubting, the duped, and the wandering: A. To those that are doubting: mercy (v.…

Book of Jude

Contending for the Faith: Instruction in Godly Wisdom for Discerning Christians (Part 3)

In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij begins examining Jude 22-23 and how believers must be rescuers of those caught up in false teaching. More specifically, Pastor Babij explains two of the the three ways that you as a believer must rescue the doubting, the duped, and the wandering: A. To those that are doubting: mercy…