Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools relating to Biblical Interpretation: (Page 2)

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The Worldwide Flood

Answers Bible Curriculum Unit 3 Lesson 26 This week in Sunday school, we consider whether the account of Genesis 6-9 can be fairly interpreted as describing a local flood. Why do many Christians accept or are open to accepting a local flood explanation? What details of the biblical text, beyond the descriptors of total destruction,…

The Ten Commandments Past and Present — The Fourth Commandment (Part 3)

In this sermon, Pastor Babij explains how the Sabbath commandment was originally designed by God to provide rest from life’s normal temporal and physical labors so that people might enjoy the worship of God. Pastor delineates four assertions from God concerning what is and what is not true rest: 1) God’s promise 2) God’s warning…

The Ten Commandments Past and Present — The Fourth Commandment (Part 2)

Pastor Babij continues his teaching on the fourth of the Ten Commandments by directly comparing the Sabbath and the Lord’s Day. Pastor explains how the Sabbath was specifically designed for Israel but also how the Sabbath always pointed to Jesus Christ, Who is the Christian’s Sabbath rest. Regarding the Lord’s Day, Pastor discusses several reasons…

The Ten Commandments Past and Present — The Fourth Commandment (Part 1)

In this sermon, Pastor Babij preaches on the fourth of the Ten Commandments, explaining the principles gleaned from the Sabbath command that are applicable to today’s observance of the Lord’s Day: 1) The Necessity of the Sabbath 2) The Idea of Rest 3) The Idea of Redemption 4) The Idea of Righteousness Pastor concludes by…

The Ten Commandments Past and Present — The First Commandment

In this sermon, Pastor Babij focuses on the first of the ten commandments and teaches how the first commandment shows several truths about God: 1) God reveals Himself through His word 2) God provides redemption for His people 3) God’s sovereignty is absolute Pastor Babij reminds Christians that not all idols are physical; anything that…

Creation: Adam and Eve

Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 2 Lesson 15 This week in Sunday school, we examine the more specific account of man’s and woman’s creation in Genesis 2. What genre is the Genesis 2 account? Does the account contradict Genesis 1? What are the implications from Adam and Eve’s creation for gender, marriage, and our…

God’s Word Guides Us

Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 1 Lesson 5 In this lesson, we consider the doctrine of the Inspiration of Scripture. Who really wrote the Bible, men or God? And if God wrote the Bible, what implications does divine authorship have for the way we approach the Bible’s inerrancy, authority, and interpretation? Our main texts…

Responsible Shepherding

In this sermon, Pastor Babij teaches from 1 Peter 5:1-5 on the responsibility of elders. He explains three principles elders must practice while shepherding God’s flock: 1) To feed, guide, guard and care for the flock 2) To freely give of themselves without desire for financial gain as an example of how to follow Christ…

New Heaven and New Earth

Answers Bible Curriculum Year 3 Quarter 4 Lesson 12 In our final lesson of the Answers Bible Curriculum, we look at how the Bible answers questions such as: What does God have in the future for our planet and universe? Where will people spend an eternity? How to live in a world that mocks the…