Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools relating to Endurance/Perseverance: (Page 5)

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Arm Yourself to Suffer Righteously

In this sermon, David Capoccia explores Peter’s exhortation regarding suffering in 1 Peter 4. After some important introductory information, David Capoccia explains that, to suffer righteously and joyfully, believers must: 1.) arm themselves for suffering with Christ’s mindset, 2.) not seek to escape suffering by adopting worldly behavior, and 3.) remember that judgment is coming.

Answers Bible Curriculum

God Calls Abram

In this lesson, we examine the call of Abram to leave his country and follow God. Specifically, we look to answer the following questions: Why did God call Abram? How did Abram respond? Why did Abram respond the way that he did? What ultimately motivated Abram? How ought we to be instructed by Abram’s example?

Answers Bible Curriculum

Job’s Suffering

In this lesson, we seek to get a handle of the book of Job: what are we supposed to learn from Job and his suffering? How was he able to do endure so much yet cling to God? The answers have much to do with God’s worth, God’s sovereignty, and man’s limited ability to comprehend the good purposes…

Perseverance in the Midst of Opposition and Problems

In this sermon, Pastor Babij examines the unique challenges that arose in Jesus’s Galilean ministry and how Jesus overcame them. These challenges were: people misrepresenting/mistreating Him, people imposing upon Him, spiritual forces seeking to hinder Him, and ministry needs beyond the capacity of one person. Pastor Babij also explains how these circumstances were instructive to the apostles and…