Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools relating to Faith/Trusting God: (Page 6)

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Ecclesiastes: A Retrospective

In this concluding sermon on the study of Ecclesiastes, Pastor Dave Capoccia briefly reviews the answers to the book’s fundamental questions before reading the entire book from start to finish. The three questions Pastor Dave considers are: 1. What is the main message of Ecclesiastes? 2. How is the message of Ecclesiastes developed? 3. How…

Four Distinct Marks of a Baked Dirt Ambassador for Christ, Part 1

In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines Paul’s teaching regarding what it means to be an ambassador for Christ in 2 Corinthians 5:11-21. In part 1, Pastor Babij gives the first two of four distinguishing marks of baked dirt ambassadors for Christ. Believers, in order to carry out their ambassadorship from God with confidence and…

God’s Power Through Baked Dirt

In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines Paul’s teaching about believers’ resurrected bodies in 2 Corinthians 5:1-10. Pastor Babij explains how God’s amazing promises regarding what he will do with us—who are no more than baked dirt—equips us to serve him with hope while on the earth. Pastor Babij presents Paul’s teaching in four main…

Acknowledging the Judgment of God, Part 4

In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij returns to 2 Peter 2 to examine the encouragement and hope that the godly have of God’s future rescue and vindication. As Peter explains in 2 Peter 2:5-10, the godly can take comfort in God’s past examples of rescue as well as in God’s sovereign control. Full Transcript: This…

A Time for Justice

In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia continues to investigate Solomon’s teaching on how to respond wisely to life’s great frustrations. In Ecclesiastes 3:16-22, Solomon considers the frustration of life’s unresolvable injustice and gives three wise ways to respond: 1. Rest in God’s Justice (v. 17) 2. Remember Your Humble Position (vv. 18-21) 3. Rejoice in…

The Tyranny of Times

In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines Ecclesiastes 3:1-15 and Solomon’s teaching about the different times or seasons of life. Pastor Dave explains that, rather than romantically musing about life’s different times, Solomon shows how people ultimately have no control over their times. Solomon then presents how to respond wisely to the frustratingly uncontrollable times…

Yahweh, the Center of Joy

In this sermon, David Capoccia examines a psalm all about joy in the one true and covenant-keeping God, Yahweh. From Psalm 16, David Capoccia explains five reasons believers should have joy in Yahweh—who is the Lord Jesus Christ—amid troubles. 1. Yahweh is our exclusive refuge 2. Yahweh is our communal delight 3. Yahweh is our…

God Is Working in the Silence

In this sermon, David Capoccia examines the prophet Elijah’s descent into despair in 1 Kings 19 and how God ministered to Elijah and restored Elijah to service. The account not only demonstrates how God is working good even through difficult circumstances but also how believers can practically move from depressed doubt to obedient faith. 1.…

Don’t Worry, Be Holy

In this sermon, Pastor David Capoccia examines Jesus’ teaching on worry in Matthew 6:25-34. In this passage, Jesus commands his disciples not to worry but instead to seek God. Pastor Dave identifies three main reasons from the text as to why Jesus’ followers can obey Jesus’ command: 1. Worry Is Idolatrous (vv. 25-30) 2. Worry…

David Sings during Trials

Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 8 Lesson 80 This week in Sunday school, we take some time to briefly review what we’ve seen over the last nine lessons but also address a topic we did not have time to cover previously: psalms that David wrote while running from Saul. We look at two such…