Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools relating to False Teachers & False Teaching: (Page 4)

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The Dilemma of False Teaching, Part 2

In this sermon, Pastor Babij lists and refutes several of the false teachings of today’s health and wealth (prosperity) preachers: · Christians are prohibited from judging them · People must not disagree with them as they are God’s anointed · Jesus personally speaks to them · New Testament prophets are fallible · Christians are little…

The Dilemma of False Teaching, Part 1

In this sermon, Pastor Babij discusses the signs of a true prophet and warns against those claiming to be prophets today. False prophets’ teachings have no divine authority and distort God’s Word to fit those prophets’ own beliefs and desires. Pastor Babij reminds his listeners that prophets no longer exist today as Christians have God’s…

The Believer’s Responsibility for Godly Living, Part 3

In this sermon, Pastor Babij continues in 2 Peter 1:5 elaborating on the second foundational quality of holy living to develop: knowledge. Christians are not to check their minds at the door but use the intellect God has given them to grow in righteous zeal for Him.

Introductory Matters for Second Peter

In this sermon, Pastor Babij overviews the letter of 2 Peter. Pastor Babij explains the controversy over the letter’s authorship and also introduces the letter’s main purposes: 1)    Reminding Christians of vital teaching concerning the person and work of Jesus Christ 2)    Combating the rise of false teaching in the church at large 3)    Giving details concerning…

Beware Philosophy

In this sermon, David Capoccia examines the crucial principles of Colossians 2:6-8, where God commands believers to hold fast to the person and word of Christ so that believers are not taken captive by false wisdom. David Capoccia also applies the passage’s principles to popular modern assertions made from philosophy, science, and psychology. Full Transcript:…

Don’t Change God’s Word

Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 1 Lesson 8 This week in Sunday school, we’re talking about how the Bible calls us to assess those claiming new revelation from God. What is God’s standard for His prophets? Is there such a thing as fallible or imperfect prophecy today? How have various self-proclaimed prophets and apostles…

Jesus Defends God’s Honor

Answers Bible Curriculum Year 3 Quarter 2 Lesson 8 This week in Sunday school, we look at certain displays of Jesus’ anger. What made Jesus angry? What did Jesus’ anger cause Him to do or say? Why wasn’t Jesus’ anger sinful? What is the difference between righteous and unrighteous anger? And should we be feeling…

Have You Not Read?

Answers Bible Curriculum Year 3 Quarter 2 Lesson 6 This week in Sunday school, we consider how Jesus dealt with religious leaders using tradition to misinterpret Scripture and excuse sin. What can we learn from Jesus’ example to deal with this issue in our own lives and in the world at large? Our main texts…

The Doctrines of Grace, Part 3b: Limited Atonement/Particular Redemption

Pastor Babij finishes teaching on the doctrine of limited atonement, showing from the Scriptures that Jesus’ death secures salvation only for the elect. Pastor Babij refutes the non-Calvinistic interpretation of six Bible verses used to counter the Doctrines of Grace. Using the Bible, Pastor Babij shows how these verses are misinterpreted and taken out of…

The Five Solas of the Reformation, Part 1: Sola Gratia

Pastor Babij introduces a new sermon series today on the Five Solas of the Reformation.  The five solas are: Sola scriptura – Scripture alone Sola fide – faith alone Sola gratia – grace alone Solus Christus – Christ alone Soli deo gloria – glory to God alone In today’s sermon, Pastor Babij focuses on sola…