Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools relating to Fear & Anxiety:

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Don’t Worry, Be Holy

In this sermon, Pastor David Capoccia examines Jesus’ teaching on worry in Matthew 6:25-34. In this passage, Jesus commands his disciples not to worry but instead to seek God. Pastor Dave identifies three main reasons from the text as to why Jesus’ followers can obey Jesus’ command: 1. Worry Is Idolatrous (vv. 25-30) 2. Worry…

Faith As a Shield

In this sermon, Pastor Babij preaches from Psalm 27 how those who know the true God can face the many fears of life with faith as a shield. Pastor Babij shows from the text how the Psalmist David dealt with his fears and ultimately triumphed with gladness in the Lord Full Transcript: Today we’e going…

Israel’s First King

Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 8 Lesson 75 This week in Sunday school, we move forward in the book of 1 Samuel and look at Israel’s first king. Why was it sinful for Israel to ask for a king when God had already promised that a king would come? How did Saul go from…

The Christian’s Obligation for Resistance, Part 7

In this sermon Pastor Babij teaches on the seventh way to resist the enemy: prayer and fasting. Pastor Babij specifically answers four questions about fasting: 1) What is it? 2) What is its purpose? 3) How to fast? 4) When to fast? Pastor concludes with admonishment to practice fasting from time to time to win…

The Christian’s Obligation of Humility

In this sermon, Pastor Babij teaches on the Christian’s obligation of humility before God and man, giving three promptings and postures Christians must take: 1) Clothe yourself with lowly mindedness so you can serve others 2) Posture yourself under the mighty hand of God 3) Perform humility by throwing your worries, fears, and anxieties upon…

Israel Rejects God as King

Answers Bible Curriculum, Year 2, Q1, Lesson 10 1 Samuel 8:1-22 In this lesson, David Capoccia examines the Old Testament background for the coming kingship of Israel versus the Israelite people’s demand for a king in 1 Samuel 8. Whereas the expectation for the Israelite king is overwhelmingly positive in God’s promises to Israel, the…

Only One Thing is Necessary

In this sermon, Pastor Babij looks at the account of Jesus’ first visit to Mary and Martha. Pastor Babij explains that, in the hospitality situation of these two women and in the whole Christian life, worshipful intimacy with Christ must come before all other concerns. When service becomes more important than fellowship with God, Christians commit the…

Joshua, Caleb, and the Spies

In this lesson, we look at the account of Israel spying out and then refusing to enter the promised land of Canaan. While most of Israel doubted God and refused to obey God, a faithful remnant that included Joshua and Caleb stood strong and urged obedience. This passage has much to teach believers about trusting God’s…