Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools relating to Holiness/Christian Living: (Page 14)

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Lesson 10: How to Counsel, Part 2

In this tenth and final lesson of the Biblical Counseling 101 class, Pastor Dave Capoccia finishes presenting a practical method for counseling based on biblical principles. Pastor Dave explains the last four steps of this method in part 2: 1. Begin Counseling 2. Gain Involvement 3. Gather Data 4. Interpret Data 5. Provide Instruction 6.…

In Case You Missed It

In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines the epilogue section of Ecclesiastes. Pastor Dave explains how, in these last verses, Solomon provides five final clarifications so that you will not miss the message of Ecclesiastes but instead put God’s wisdom into practice: 1. These Words Were Carefully Prepared by a Discerning Teacher (v. 9) 2.…

Lesson 9: How to Counsel, Part 1

In this ninth lesson of the Biblical Counseling 101 class, Pastor Dave Capoccia begins presenting a practical method for counseling based on biblical principles. Pastor Dave explains the first four steps of this method in part 1: 1. Begin Counseling 2. Gain Involvement 3. Gather Data 4. Interpret Data

Lesson 6: The Biblical Process of Change

In this sixth lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia overviews what the biblical process of change toward greater Christ-likeness looks like. First, Pastor Dave takes a macro view of what should be the biblical expectation regarding change over one’s lifetime. Second, Pastor Dave takes a micro, more moment-by-moment view of how what one loves and worships in…

The Zeal for Your House Will Consume Me

In this sermon, Greg Ho examines the account of Jesus cleansing the temple in John 2:13-17 and explains how Jesus’ zeal for God’s house is an example for all God’s people to follow in their commitment to serving God and his church. Full Transcript: Let’s start out by playing some fill in the blank, ready?…

Lesson 5: Biblical Counseling and Psychology

In this fifth lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines psychology and its theories of the person from a biblical perspective. Pastor Dave first gives some introductory information regarding psychology and then compares the theories of six influential psychologists with the teaching of God in the Bible.

Lesson 4: Biblical Counseling and Psychotropic Drugs

In this fourth lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia considers what the truths from the previous lessons about the Bible’s sufficiency and the mind-body connection mean for the issue of psychotropic drugs. Pastor Dave overviews the topic of psychotropic drugs from a biblical perspective and then considers a few frequently asked questions.

Enjoy Your Days of Light

In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines Solomon’s final charge to seize the day in Ecclesiastes 11:7-12:8. Solomon provides five prodding reminders for why you must fear God and make the most of the best days God has given you. 1. Dark Days Are Coming (11:7-8) 2. God’s Assessment Is Coming (11:9) 3. Your Youth…