Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools relating to Holiness/Christian Living: (Page 22)

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Thyatira: The Church of Compromise

In this sermon, Pastor Babij preaches on Jesus’ message to the church of Thyatira in the book of Revelation. First, Pastor Babij details Thyatira’s commendation of its love and faith for Christ. Second, Pastor Babij explains Thyatira’s condemnation for tolerating a false teacher who may have been teaching Gnosticism. Third, Pastor Babij relates Jesus’ challenge…

Joseph Forgives His Brothers

Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 5 Lesson 48 This week, we look at the culmination of the Genesis account of Joseph’s life: the salvation of Joseph’s family and Joseph’s reconciliation with his brothers. Why does Joseph not reveal himself to his brothers right away? How is it that Joseph was able to forgive such…

People Need the Lord

In this sermon, Pastor Babij teaches on how all people need Jesus to negate the deadly effect of sin and to enter into new life with Jesus. Using several Scripture passages, Pastor Babij explains how we are all born spiritually dead and enemies of God. We therefore all need divine intervention to bring us new…

Does God Accept Your Worship?

In this sermon, Greg Ho asks you to consider whether God accepts your individual and corporate worship, reminding that there are many times in Scripture when God rejected the worship of those who claimed to follow Him. Greg Ho explains that one worships whatever a person honors and respects and that such honor and respect…

Jacob’s Family Grows

Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 5 Lesson 43 This week in Sunday school, we learn about how God affirmed his promises to Jacob and provided Jacob with a family. There are many questions that arise from this section of Genesis. What is the significance of Jacob’s ladder? Why did Jacob marry multiple wives? And…

Jacob Steals the Blessing

Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 5 Lesson 42 This week in Sunday school we look at the next big event in the life of Jacob: his stealing of the blessing from Esau. Why did Isaac try to give the blessing to Esau and not Jacob? What was so significant about the blessing? And what…

Esau Sells His Birthright

Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 5 Lesson 41 We start out Unit 5 of the ABC Second Edition with a look at the birth of Jacob and Esau and the selling of Esau’s birthright. Why did Esau agree to such an unequal exchange with Jacob? Did Jacob do wrong in taking advantage of his…

The Four-Fold Purpose of the Church: Christian Fellowship (Part 2)

In this sermon, Pastor Babij continues his teaching regarding Christian fellowship, both with the Lord and with fellow believers. Using Scripture, Pastor Babij explains why Christian fellowship is not a luxury but a necessity for growing in grace and for displaying God’s glory to the world. Pastor Babij calls on believers to resist the inherent…

The Four-Fold Purpose of the Church: Christian Fellowship (Part 1)

In this sermon, Pastor Babij continues teaching on the purpose of the Church by discussing the importance of genuine Christian fellowship. Pastor Babij explains that, in participating in true fellowship with one another, Christians ought to be devoting themselves to shared relationships, partnering with other Christians to glorify God, and agreeing on the revealed truth…