Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools relating to Holiness/Christian Living: (Page 23)

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The Four-Fold Purpose of the Church: The Priority of Doctrine

In this sermon, Pastor Babij continues teaching on the purpose of the church and the high priority of correct doctrine. Pastor Babij stresses the need for Christians to know and practice the doctrine of the apostles that was delivered to them by God Himself. Pastor Babij details how true Christians love to learn and do…

The Four-Fold Purpose of the Church: An Introduction

In this introductory sermon, Pastor Babij begins his new series on the four-fold purpose of the Church. Pastor Babij first discusses the make-up of a genuine Christian and what happens when a person becomes a Christian. Pastor Babij next explains why Christians are not think and behave like the people of the world and why…

The Lord’s Prayer: A Model for Approaching God

In this sermon, Khaleef Crumbley teaches on the Lord’s Prayer found in the Gospel of Matthew. Comparing Matthew’s version of the Lord’s Prayer to the same prayer in Luke, Khaleef Crumbley explains how Jesus warned against hypocrisy in prayer, why prayer is meant to be worshipful communion with God, and how God should be approached…

Beware Philosophy

In this sermon, David Capoccia examines the crucial principles of Colossians 2:6-8, where God commands believers to hold fast to the person and word of Christ so that believers are not taken captive by false wisdom. David Capoccia also applies the passage’s principles to popular modern assertions made from philosophy, science, and psychology. Full Transcript:…

Are You a Desert Bush or a Well-Watered Tree?

In this sermon, David Capoccia examines a short testimony from God in the prophecy of Jeremiah concerning how a person obtains a cursed or a blessed life. David Capoccia explains how God provides two vivid pictures of blessing and cursing to warn people not to trust in mere man and to encourage people to trust…

A Gospel-Oriented Strategy for the Battle with Sin

In this sermon, Pastor Babij preaches on battling sin with a gospel-oriented strategy. Pastor Babij explains that Christians can battle sin because God’s Ten Commandments are written on their hearts and because the gospel has changed believers’ relationship to the Law. Pastor Babij outlines two ungodly strategies for battling sin, antinomianism and legalism, and contrasts…

The Ten Commandments Past and Present — The Use of the Law of God to Believers

In this sermon, Pastor Babij explores what the Ten Commandments, and the law of God in general, mean for believers. Pastor Babij clarifies that God’s law cannot save, sanctify, or secure, but Christ can. Full Transcript: Let’s take our Bibles and just read the second Law in Deuteronomy 5:6-21. You going to see that before…

The Ten Commandments Past and Present — The Use of the Law of God

In this sermon, Pastor Babij discusses the use of the Ten Commandments with those who are unsaved. Pastor Babij explains how the Law of God informs the unsaved of their deadly state before God and how they can be reconciled to Him. Full Transcript: We are looking at our Bibles this morning in Exodus chapter…

God’s Covenant with Abram

Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 4 Lesson 36 This week in Sunday school, we look at two very significant episodes in the life of Abraham: the ceremony formally establishing the Abrahamic Covenant and the failed effort of Abram and Sarai to obtain the son of promise through Hagar. What can we learn from these…

The Ten Commandments Past and Present — The Tenth Commandment (Part 2)

Pastor Babij continues his look at the last of the Ten Commandments and its prohibition against covetousness. Pastor Babij warns how easy coveting is and how difficult it is to detect. Pastor Babij then explains several warning signs of a covetous heart along with several admonitions and remedies against covetousness. Full Transcript: We’re are still…