Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools relating to Holiness/Christian Living: (Page 29)

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The Duty of the Christian: Subjection — Learning Submission (Part 4), Wives to Their Husbands

In this sermon, Pastor Babij looks further at Peter’s teaching on Christian submission, this time examining Peter’s instruction on wives submitting to their husbands. Pastor explains how, far from an odious duty, righteous submission by a wife even to an ungodly husband is a powerful testimony of God to him. Pastor breaks down God’s design…

The Duty of the Christian: Subjection — Learning Submission (Part 2)

Pastor Babij continues his teaching on submission from 1 Peter 2:18-25, focusing on the Christian’s duty to submit to the authority of the employer. Pastor explains several Biblical principles for submitting to employers; Pastor Babij exhorts believers to respect employers and to joyfully submit as saints to even the most difficult ones in order to…

The Duty of the Christian: Subjection — Learning Submission (Part 1)

In this sermon, Pastor Babij teaches on submission from First Peter 2:13-17. He shows that submission is not a choice but a command from God and teaches that resistance to lawful authorities is resistance against God. Pastor lists several attitudes, reasons and benefits for submission. He also lays out principles for biblical resistance against the…

The Duty of the Christian: Subjection — The Basis of Subjection

In this sermon, Pastor Babij begins preaching from 1 Peter on how Christians are to demonstrate their alien status as Christ’s people while on the earth: by living righteously and submitting to God’s ordained authorities. In part 1, Pastor Babij explains the Christian’s basis for seeking righteousness in this way: 1) God’s accomplished salvation 2)…

The Destiny of the Christian: The Practice of Holiness – Part 3

In this sermon, Pastor Babij teaches from 1 Peter 2:9-10 on the various positional standings Christians have before God and the callings that Christians are to practice and enjoy as a result. Full Transcript: As we continue to look at 1 Peter, we will be focusing our attention on 1 Peter 2:9-10. Along the way,…

The Gospel Goes to the Gentiles

Answers Bible Curriculum Year 3 Quarter 3 Lesson 12 We continue our study of the book of Acts this week as we see the gospel go to the Gentiles. How did the gospel first formally reach the Gentiles? Why was it such a big deal to the early Jewish Christians for Gentiles to be included…

The Destiny of the Christian: The Practice of Holiness – Part 1

Preaching from First Peter 2:1-8 and other verses, Pastor Babij teaches that Christians together are a new, spiritual temple and priests offering sacrifices of thanksgiving and praise to God. Pastor Babij, therefore, exhorts Christians to present themselves as a living sacrifice, bringing everything in life to Jesus Christ in worship. Full Transcript: In 1 Peter…

The Destiny of the Christian: The Holiness of Salvation, Part 5

Pastor Babij preaches from 1 Peter 1:23-2:3 that Christians must live as new creations who crave the Word of God. Pastor details some of the marks of the Christian’s new nature and concludes by exhorting Christians to repent and return to the Word of God if such craving has been lost. Full Transcript: 1 Peter…

The Destiny of the Christian: The Holiness of Salvation, Part 4

In this sermon, Pastor Babij continues his lessons from 1 Peter and expounds Peter’s fourth introductory exhortation: to love one another. Pastor Babij shows from various scriptures three biblical aspects of the love Christians are to have for one another: love’s origin, love’s terms, and love’s qualities. Full Transcript: We have been looking at the…

The Destiny of the Christian: The Holiness of Salvation – Part 3

In this sermon, Pastor Babij examines the apostle Peter’s teaching on how fearing God as Father and Judge should lead to holy living. Full Transcript: 1 Peter 1:17-21: If you address as Father the One who impartially judges according to each one’s work, conduct yourselves in fear during the time of your stay on earth;…