Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools relating to Holiness/Christian Living: (Page 6)

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gospel of John

The Jesus Diet

In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines Jesus’ Bread of Life Discourse in John 6:22-59. There, Jesus makes three profound assertions about himself as the bread of life so that you will by faith feed on Jesus as your soul’s exclusive food and thereby experience eternal life: 1. Jesus Is the True Bread from Heaven…

Lesson 5: God’s Design for Wives

In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia overviews God’s design for wives according to the Bible. More specifically, Pastor Dave investigates three fundamental roles that a Christian wife should seek to fulfill: 1. A Christian wife is a helper to her husband 2. A Christian wife practices submission to her husband 3. A Christian wife honors…

Lesson 4: God’s Design for Marriage

In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia overviews what the Bible teaches about God’s design for marriage. More specifically, Pastor Dave investigates the biblical answers to two fundamental questions: 1. What is marriage? 2. Why marriage?


Group Participation in the Gospel Mission, Part 2

In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij concludes his study of Colossians by investigating the apostle Paul’s final greetings in the letter. Pastor Babij explains how the final four groups of people Paul identifies in the letter serve as instructional examples for Christians, who together are to be going about the gospel mission. The final groups…


Group Participation in the Gospel Mission, Part 1

In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines Colossians 4:7-11 and the first part of the apostle Paul’s final greetings in the letter. Pastor Babij explains how the final four groups of people Paul identifies in the letter serve as instructional examples for Christians, who together are to be going about the gospel mission. The first…

A Most Serious Sin: Apostasy

In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij looks at Hebrews 6:1-8 and 10:25-31 to warn against the serious sin of apostasy, abandoning Christ and Christ’s truth. Pastor Babij explains how refusing to mature spiritually and abandoning the local assembly are fearful signposts on the way ultimately to despising the triune God and the faith once and…

Lesson 1: Biblical Counseling Foundations

In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia begins a new, twelve-week series on biblical counseling for marriage and parenthood by reviewing the most fundamental concepts of the Biblical Counseling 101 course ( Pastor Dave will be applying these foundational concepts specifically to marriage and parenting in the coming weeks. More specifically, Pastor Dave answers three key…

Make the Most of Your Times

In this special New Year’s Eve sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines Ecclesiastes 3:1-15 and Solomon’s teaching about the different times or seasons of life. Pastor Dave explains that, rather than romantically musing about life’s different times, Solomon shows how people ultimately have no control over their times. Solomon then presents how to respond wisely to…

Fundamentals of the Faith

Lesson 24: God’s Will and Guidance

In this final lesson of our Fundamentals of the Faith series, Pastor Dave Capoccia considers the topic of understanding God’s will for our lives and receiving His guidance. Pastor Dave answers three key questions in relation to this topic: 1. What do we mean by “God’s will”? 2. How should we respond to the different…