Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools relating to Jesus Christ: (Page 3)

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gospel of John

Words of Eternal Life

In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines John 6:60-71 and the depressing aftermath of Jesus’ Bread of Life discourse. Many of Jesus’ so-called disciples leave him over his unacceptable words, but, in these verses, John shows you the life-giving nature of Jesus’ words so that you will believe, rely on, and devote yourself to Jesus’…

gospel of John

The Jesus Diet

In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines Jesus’ Bread of Life Discourse in John 6:22-59. There, Jesus makes three profound assertions about himself as the bread of life so that you will by faith feed on Jesus as your soul’s exclusive food and thereby experience eternal life: 1. Jesus Is the True Bread from Heaven…

gospel of John

A Divine Encounter on a Dark Sea

In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines John 6:16-21 and the apostle John’s account of Jesus’ walking on the Sea of Galilee. John reports Jesus’ miraculous walking on water so that you will fear Jesus as the Christ and Son of God and, believing in Jesus, might find all your fears relieved.

gospel of John

Jesus Feeds a Massive Crowd

In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines John 6:1-15 and John’s account of Jesus feeding a massive crowd that included five-thousand men. John presents this sign miracle so that you will not come to Jesus to fulfill your own agenda for temporal blessing but to find eternal life in Jesus. The passage can be divided…

A Name Like No Other

In this special Christmas sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines Matthew 1:21-25 so that you might see and respond appropriately to Jesus’ name, which is like no other. From the passage, Pastor Babij explains five truths in connection with Jesus’ name. 1. The name of Jesus is divinely ordered (v. 21a) 2. The name of Jesus…

Do Homage to the Son

In this Christmas sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines Psalm 2 and King David’s exhortation there to do homage to God’s Son. King David gives three reasons why: 1. The World Rebels against God’s Good Messiah (vv. 1-3) 2. The Father Easily Confounds Man’s Rebellious Plans (vv. 4-6) 3. The Son Testifies He Will Rule All…

gospel of John

Jesus Exposes Religious Unbelief

In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines Jesus’ concluding words in John 5:41-47 to religious people who will not believe in him despite supernatural testimony. Jesus exposes two fundamental realities of such religious unbelief to convict you of your own self-righteous way and to move you to believe in Jesus. 1. You Seek Men’s Approval…

gospel of John

The Greatest Testimony of Jesus’ Divine Sonship

In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines Jesus’ words in John 5:30-40 regarding the ultimate testimony validating Jesus’ declaration of divine sonship: the testimony of God the Father. John the apostle presents the Father’s testimony of Jesus’ divine sonship so that you will not trust vainly in mere religion but believe in Jesus and be…

gospel of John

Jesus Declares His Divine Sonship, Part 2

In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia finishes examining John 5:17-29 in which Jesus declares his divine sonship. John presents Jesus’ declaration of divine sonship so that you will not remain condemned in mere religious tradition but might find resurrection life in Jesus. In part 2, Pastor Dave covers John 5:25-29 and the final of three…

gospel of John

Jesus Declares His Divine Sonship, Part 1

In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia begins examining John 5:17-29 in which Jesus declares his divine sonship. John presents Jesus’ declaration of divine sonship so that you will not remain condemned in mere religious tradition but might find resurrection life in Jesus. In part 1, Pastor Dave covers John 5:17-24 and the first two of…