Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools relating to Pride & Humility: (Page 2)

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The Destructive Power of a Little Foolishness, Part 2

In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia finishes looking at Solomon’s instruction regarding foolishness in Ecclesiastes 10:1-20. In part 2, Pastor Dave examines Solomon’s final two of four self-destructive characteristics of foolishness, especially in government, so that you will guard against folly and pursue wisdom instead. Pastor Dave also considers Solomon’s brief concluding bit of practical…

Wisdom’s Low-Hanging Fruit, Part 2

In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia completes examination of Solomon’s surprising teaching in Ecclesiastes 7:23-29. Solomon warns against vainly pursuing deep knowledge and instead urges you to understand and apply three basic life truths. In part 2, Pastor Dave explains the second and third basic truths from Solomon. Introduction: You cannot know the fundamental scheme…

God Calls Samuel

Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 8 Lesson 74 This week in Sunday school, we look at how God raises up Israel’s last judge: Samuel. How is Israel doing spiritually at the end of the Judges period? Why does God condemn and curse the previous judge, Eli? And what do these chapters show us about…

God Judges Rebellion

Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 7 Lesson 62 This week in Sunday school, we join Israel in their wilderness wandering to see what they’ve learned after missing out on entering the promised land. Surely this people, chastened for their unbelief, will have finally humbled themselves before God…right? Shockingly, we’re going to see through Korah’s…

The Lord’s Prayer: A Model for Approaching God

In this sermon, Khaleef Crumbley teaches on the Lord’s Prayer found in the Gospel of Matthew. Comparing Matthew’s version of the Lord’s Prayer to the same prayer in Luke, Khaleef Crumbley explains how Jesus warned against hypocrisy in prayer, why prayer is meant to be worshipful communion with God, and how God should be approached…

Cain Kills Abel

Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 3 Lesson 22 This week in Sunday school, we examine more of the aftermath of the Fall, this time looking at what happened to Adam and Eve’s first children. Why was Cain’s sacrifice rejected and Abel’s accepted? How does Cain’s murderous response to Abel and callous response to God…

The Christian’s Obligation of Humility

In this sermon, Pastor Babij teaches on the Christian’s obligation of humility before God and man, giving three promptings and postures Christians must take: 1) Clothe yourself with lowly mindedness so you can serve others 2) Posture yourself under the mighty hand of God 3) Perform humility by throwing your worries, fears, and anxieties upon…

What Should Be Your Response to the Mercy and Power of Christ?

In this sermon, guest speaker Ricardo Morales asks what simple knowledge Christians have of God apart from heavy doctrinal knowledge. Ricardo Morales then draws out two teaching points from Jesus’ healing of the lame man by the Bethesda pool: • God’s mercy has no limits • Mercy is one of the most essential attributes of…

Peter’s Denial

Answers Bible Curriculum Year 3 Quarter 3 Lesson 3 Our Answers Bible Curriculum Sunday school resumes this Sunday with a look at Peter’s denials and later restoration by Jesus. Why did Peter deny Jesus? Do we also deny Jesus in our words and actions? And why is Jesus’ restoration of Peter so significant, for him…

Eight Characteristics of Authentic Christlike Disciples (Part # 4)

In today’s sermon, Pastor Babij closes the series examining the last four characteristics of an authentic Christ-like discipleship. The last four are: Forgiving others Withstanding temptation Being humble Confessing Christ to all people Pastor Babij examines humility in detail and contrasts it with pride. He details how pride is the root of all sin and…