Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools relating to Salvation & The Gospel: (Page 15)

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Reasons Why Jesus Had to Rise from the Dead

In today’s Resurrection Sunday sermon, Pastor Babij teaches on why Jesus’ resurrection is foundational for the Christian faith and for salvation. The biblical reasons include: 1. To show the Father’s justice satisfied 2. To prove Jesus is the Son of God and has the full authority of the Godhead 3. To display the power of…

Reasons Why Jesus Had to Die

In this Palm Sunday sermon, Pastor Babij teaches from various Scriptures the reasons why Jesus had to die. Many people misunderstand Jesus’ death, thinking that Jesus’ death merely shows us: 1. How much God loves us 2. That even good men will die 3. That Jesus was overcome by His enemies. Pastor refutes these beliefs…

The Destiny of the Christian: The Practice of Holiness – Part 3

In this sermon, Pastor Babij teaches from 1 Peter 2:9-10 on the various positional standings Christians have before God and the callings that Christians are to practice and enjoy as a result. Full Transcript: As we continue to look at 1 Peter, we will be focusing our attention on 1 Peter 2:9-10. Along the way,…

Not Ashamed of the Gospel

In today’s sermon, Greg Ho explains from Romans 1:16-17 and other scriptures three reasons not to be ashamed of proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ: 1. The gospel is the awesome power of God to save 2. The gospel is applicable to everyone 3. The gospel is absolutely free Full Transcript: Two weeks ago, there…

The Gospel Goes to the Gentiles

Answers Bible Curriculum Year 3 Quarter 3 Lesson 12 We continue our study of the book of Acts this week as we see the gospel go to the Gentiles. How did the gospel first formally reach the Gentiles? Why was it such a big deal to the early Jewish Christians for Gentiles to be included…

Saul Is Converted

Answers Bible Curriculum Year 3 Quarter 3 Lesson 11 This week in Sunday school, we see God’s gospel plan in the book of Acts feature an extremely surprising twist: the conversion of the very one leading the deadly persecution against the Christians! How did wicked Saul receive salvation? What happened to Saul afterwards? Why did…

Trust Your Wonder Working God, Part 2

In this sermon, David Capoccia explains from the second half of Isaiah 55 three reasons from God for why people, especially believers, should exercise faith in their wonder working God. 1. God’s Ways Are Transcendent (vv. 8-9) 2. God’s Declarations Are Successful (vv. 10-11) 3. God’s Designs Are Joyful (vv. 12-13)

The Great Commission

Answers Bible Curriculum Year 3 Quarter 3 Lesson 6 This week in Sunday school, we look at one of Jesus’ last declarations on earth: the Great Commission. What exactly did Jesus command his disciples in the Great Commission? How does the command apply to Christians today? And what so often prevents Christians from fulfilling the…

The Resurrection

Answers Bible Curriculum Year 3 Quarter 3 Lesson 5 This week in Sunday school, we look at Jesus’ resurrection. Was Jesus really in the tomb for “three days and three nights”? What are the implications of the resurrection for Christians? And is Jesus’ bodily resurrection an essential part of the Christian gospel? Join us as…

The Destiny of the Christian: The Holiness of Salvation – Part 1

In this sermon, Pastor Babij teaches from 1 Peter that Christians should contemplate what Christ accomplished for them. Pastor also explains how Christians are to have a fixed, future hope and to live holy lives. Pastor concludes by reminding Christians that they are to live holy lives because they are now in God’s family and…