Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools relating to Salvation & The Gospel: (Page 9)

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Prayer for Continued Spiritual Growth

In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines Colossians 1:9-11 and the three prerequisites for growth that will cause you to experience ongoing spiritual growth and maturity. Those three prerequisites are: knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. Full Transcript: This morning let’s take our Bibles and turn to Colossians 1:9-11. Let me pray. Father, thank You this morning…

gospel of John

The Supreme Word

In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines the prologue of John’s Gospel, John 1:1-18. In this prologue, John gives four arresting identifications of Jesus so that you will pay attention to Jesus as the supreme Word of God. 1. Jesus Is the Wise and Powerful Creator (1:1-5) 2. Jesus Is the True and Ultimate Light…


The Gospel Makes All Things New (Part 2)

In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij continues discussing Paul’s teaching from Colossians 1:5-8 in how the gospel makes all things new for the Christian. In Part 2, Pastor Babij explains the pattern of God’s work in spiritually growing people: 1. The Gospel Must Be Heard (v. 5) 2. The Gospel Must Be Understood (v. 6)…


The Gospel Makes All Things New (Part 1)

In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines Paul introductory words in Colossians 1:3-8. Pastor Babij explains how, in Paul’s words of thanks, Paul clarifies how the gospel of Jesus transforms believers to progress in three areas of living: thanksgiving, hope, and steadfastness in the one, true gospel.

Deliverance that Exalts the Lord Jesus Christ

In this sermon, our guest, Pastor Tom McConnell, examines Luke 8:29-39 and the account of Jesus delivering the man with the legion of demons. Pastor Tom explains two lessons about deliverance that should result in the exaltation of Jesus—even new belief in Jesus and new boldness for Jesus. 1. The Need for Jesus’ Deliverance (vv.…

O Worship the King

In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines the model prayer-song of Psalm 24. Pastor Dave explains from the psalm three reasons to celebrate King Yahweh in a life of holy worship. Full Transcript: 1. King Yahweh Owns and Rules All (vv. 1-2) 2. King Yahweh Dwells with the Holy (vv. 3-6) 3. King Yahweh Is…

Observations on Believer’s Baptism

In this special baptism day sermon, Pastor Joe Babij presents three key observations on believer’s baptism from the Bible: 1. Believer’s baptism underscores the common experience of all believers (Ephesians 4:4-6) 2. Believer’s baptism underscores the centrality of the gospel in saving people (1 Peter 3:18-22) 3. Believer’s baptism unites believers with Christ’s death and…

Christ Has Been Raised

In this special Resurrection Day sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines 1 Corinthians 15:3-5 and the apostle Paul’s summary there of what the true, saving gospel is. After a word of introduction, Paul gives four essential points of the true gospel that you must believe and hold fast to be saved: Introduction: The Gospel Is of…

The Triumphal Entry

In this special Palm Sunday sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines Matthew’s account of Jesus’ triumphal entry in Matthew 21:1-11. The apostle Matthew shows how Jesus’ gentle entry into Jerusalem proves Jesus to be the true, sovereign, and glorious Messiah King. Matthew’s account of Jesus’ entry proceeds in two main parts: 1. The King Prepares (vv.…