Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools relating to Suffering & Trials: (Page 4)

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Paul’s Journey to Rome

Answers Bible Curriculum Year 3 Quarter 4 Lesson 4 This week in Sunday school, we finish our study of the book of Acts by looking at Paul’s journey to Rome. From one perspective, Paul’s imprisonment and journey looked like one tragic setback after another, but from another perspective, the journey was full of golden opportunities.…

The Destiny of the Christian: The Holiness of Salvation – Part 1

In this sermon, Pastor Babij teaches from 1 Peter that Christians should contemplate what Christ accomplished for them. Pastor also explains how Christians are to have a fixed, future hope and to live holy lives. Pastor concludes by reminding Christians that they are to live holy lives because they are now in God’s family and…

God’s Plan Unfolds

Answers Bible Curriculum Year 3 Quarter 3 Lesson 2    This week in Sunday school, we continue looking at the events leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion. In this lesson, we look at the Jewish and Gentile trials conducted to determine Jesus’ guilt and sentence. How evil were these trials? How did Jesus respond to the…

The Destiny of the Christian: Salvation (Part 3)

In this sermon, Pastor Babij explains from 1 Peter that life’s trials are designed by God, not as temptations to make believers stumble, but as means of purifying and refining His people’s faith. Pastor Babij also discusses problems that challenge the Christian’s hope of salvation. Pastor Babij concludes by exhorting believers to meditate on God’s…

The Destiny of the Christian: Salvation (Part 2)

In this sermon, Pastor Babij teaches from 1 Peter 1:3-5 and explains how Christians are to live as foreigners in this world. Christians must think biblically and reside in the truth of God’s Word, dwelling upon God and speaking well of Him. Pastor also reminds believers of the tremendous inheritance they have have through Jesus…

Reformation Survey: Reformation Aftermath

In our final lesson of our Summer Reformation Survey, we consider the Reformation’s aftermath. What themes emerge from the lives of the reformers we’ve studied? How do their experiences compare to what Scripture says? What were the ultimate results of the Reformation movement, both good and bad? And when did the Reformation end — if…

Take Comfort, God Will Destroy Evil Oppressors (Part 1)

Where is God’s justice in today’s world? In this sermon, David Capoccia examines the first part of the book of Nahum and the book’s historical context. David Capoccia explains that, even when it looks like the wicked prosper and continually get away with doing evil, God promises to bring justice. David Capoccia explores the first of…

The Crumbling Stone

In today’s sermon, Pastor Babij examines Peter’s denial of Jesus and teaches three main lessons: Even the faith of a strong disciple, such as Peter, can fail in dire circumstances when that person depends upon his own strength and not on the Lord’s power. Jesus will compassionately and lovingly restore the truly repentant, as He…

The Arrest of the Son of Man

In today’s sermon, Pastor Babij explains that, despite how the situation appeared when Jesus was arrested, the Lord was in complete control. Pastor Babij shows that Jesus perfectly set up His arrest in fulfilment of the Scriptures. Pastor Babij also teaches that the gospel cannot be advanced by fleshly coercion but only through spiritual means;…

The Agony of the Son of Man

In today’s sermon Pastor Babij teaches from the Gospel of Mark on the incomprehensible agony Jesus endured contemplating both the Father’s imminent wrath against the Son as the sin offering for God’s people and the Son’s separation from the Father. Pastor Babij shows how Jesus, in Jesus’ humanity, asked for a possible way out but…